do all Scottish, Irish and Welsh speak English?

Adam   Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:44 pm GMT
"As for any anti American sentiment in Ireland - unlike England I would think there is no such feeling in the main. "

I would safely say that a higher of the English population are pro-American compared to Ireland and Scotland.

Ireland didn't support the US in the War in Iraq and if Scotland wasn't a part of Britain then I would bet that Scotland also wouldn't have supported the US. So the English would have, but not the Irish or the Scots. As per usual, the Irish and Scots boats about their "love" towards the United States but would never dare to support the Americans in their foreign policy. You're happy as long as you get your subsidies from Brussels or London.
Adam   Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:47 pm GMT
"Mae pawb yng nghymru a hawl i siarad ei mamiaith pa bynnag iaith ydy e, ac felly does gen neb hawl dweud wrthint i beidio. Ac ar y foment mae'r Gymraeg yn cynhyddi felly mae'r dyfodol yn disgwyl yn llachar iawn (mae na olau ar diwedd y twnwl) Rwyn credu dyle annibyniaeth dod i Gymru, Y'r Alban a cheyrnyw a ni fel pobol y celtaidd i sicrhau hynnu. Gyda Cymru rhydyn ni wedi cad'n iaith ond gollu'n annibyniaeth gerllaw gyda iwerddon mae'r Gwyddelod wedi collu'r iaith(wel rhan fwya ohonynt) ond cadw'r annibyniaeth felly pwy a wyr beth sydd yn mynd i digwydd yn y dyfodol? "

How many people on this forum are fluent in Welsh? The answer is probably zero, apart from you. So why speak in Welsh?

You're as bad as those idiots at the McDonald's in Cardiff who spoke English to Welsh-speaking customers but spoke in Welsh to me.
Guest   Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:56 pm GMT
<< "Mae pawb yng nghymru a hawl i siarad ei mamiaith pa bynnag iaith ydy e, ac felly does gen neb hawl dweud wrthint i beidio. Ac ar y foment mae'r Gymraeg yn cynhyddi felly mae'r dyfodol yn disgwyl yn llachar iawn (mae na olau ar diwedd y twnwl) Rwyn credu dyle annibyniaeth dod i Gymru, Y'r Alban a cheyrnyw a ni fel pobol y celtaidd i sicrhau hynnu. Gyda Cymru rhydyn ni wedi cad'n iaith ond gollu'n annibyniaeth gerllaw gyda iwerddon mae'r Gwyddelod wedi collu'r iaith(wel rhan fwya ohonynt) ond cadw'r annibyniaeth felly pwy a wyr beth sydd yn mynd i digwydd yn y dyfodol? " <<

Well, most of it is just a bunch of swear words.
meic   Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:02 pm GMT
diolch damian am fod mor garedig a dolig llawen ichi a yr alban hefyd,anghofio byth eich bod chi albanwr ei dathlwch e, da bo meic
Rick T.   Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:18 am GMT
"I would safely say that a higher of the English population are pro-American compared to Ireland and Scotland."


Ah, man, you're full of it! I'm American, and when I visited England, pretty much every local I met treated me as if I were shit. And, Adam, before you say it wasn't because I'm American, shut it while you're ahead. In nearly every insult that was dished out to me there were the words "Yank", "American slime", and many, many more. And, not once, did I antagonize any of them.

Now, In comparison to my visit to Dublin, I was only given grief once. In my visit to Edinburgh, twice. Sooo, you wanna tell me again that England just ADORES America?
Rick T.   Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:25 am GMT
"Ireland didn't support the US in the War in Iraq"

First of all, it's not a war, it's an invaison. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. Kapeesh?

Second, not many support the American Invaison on Iraq, aside from the Bush-loving blockheads of our country.

Third, what do you mean by "didn't"? The Invaison is still going on, in case you didn't notice.
Eve   Tue Dec 05, 2006 5:06 am GMT
Reading current online posts in Scottish newspapers leads me to believe that some SNP supprters equate all Americans either with "hillbillies" or "Nazis." I'm not sure how they would relate to an American visitor in person at this point in time, however. When I visited Scotland in the early 1980s (the week before Prince Charles' wedding), most Scots I met automatically assumed that I was of Scottish ancestry. Apparently, all the other tourists were in London, so they were very courteous and friendly.
Adam jones   Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:34 pm GMT
Diolch meic a rwy'n cytunno gyda ti'n llwyr. Mae pawb yn mynd mlaen am Pam mae'r Cymru Cymraeg yn siarad Cymraeg ac yn y blaen ac yn ein dweitho i beidio siarad Cymraeg achos dydy ddim fod (well ydych chi'n gweld rhestr o rheolau ar y fforwm yma neu rhywbeth) Rhydwi wedi bod i Aberfan o'r blaen achos roedd trip gyda'r ysgol ynglyn ar trychineb 40 mlynedd yn ol (trist iawn)
Mae rhaid i fi cyfadde rwy'n gwladgarwr Cymraeg ac yn ei siarad e ar pob achos a mae e'n mynd ar fy nerfau i bod pobl yn dywetho ni i beidio felly os ydych chi'n siarad Cymraeg . Peidiwch a danfon negesuon saesneg ysgrifennwch nhw yn y gymraeg i wneud i pawb sydd ddim yn siarad Cymraeg oedi beth rhydym yn sgwennu. Ac i bwysleisio pwynt ei fod ni yma yn defnyddio'r iaith ac mae'r iaith yn fyw Da'n ni yma o hyd.

(Annibyniaeth Cymru)
(Cymru am byth)
(Welsh independence)
(Wales forever)

Those of you who don't understand this well im sorry but i prefer to write in welsh so like it or lump it and by the way would someone please tell me where it say's "THIS IS AN ENGLISH FORUM AND YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SPEAK WELSH/GAIHDLIG/KERNEWEK/BREZHONEG/GAELIGE"
And when you show me then maybe i won't write in my own language but untill you can prove to me then Rwyn mynd i siarad Cymraeg trwy'r amser
oh and yes another fing someone said that what i put in welsh was a load of swear words well obviously u are arogant and ignorant towards my language it's like me saying rite dhe gabandaer rertrfyhgh mjhjkhkyutyjhg gb means u sweet heart (but really i dn't know so dnt try and predict wt im saying if u can't understand it well that's you'r problem not mine
Diolch yn fawr i bawb sydd yn mynd i sgwennu yn y gymraeg gwnewch e i gymru.
Guest   Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:12 pm GMT
Yeah well the Scots are a backward lot.
Biscuit   Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:26 pm GMT
<< Those of you who don't understand this well im sorry but i prefer to write in welsh so like it or lump it and by the way would someone please tell me where it say's "THIS IS AN ENGLISH FORUM AND YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SPEAK WELSH/GAIHDLIG/KERNEWEK/BREZHONEG/GAELIGE" >>

If you want to post to this forum, you must agree that you will not post:

# Messages in languages other than English to the English forum.
Adam Jones   Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:10 pm GMT
Neu beth biscuit
O'r what biscuit
Na rhydych chi byth wedi clywed am hawliau dynnol a iethyddol
haven't you ever heard of human righst and Language disgrimination because that's what you are trying to do well u've picked the wrong person to mess with boio i will never ever be told not to speak my own language
Nawr lan dy ddyn y person yffarn does gen to ddim hawl dywetho fi i beidio siarad Gymraeg.
Adam Jones   Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:38 pm GMT
Ewch u fy ngwefan i mae e yn Cymraeg Cheyrnyweg, Almaeneg ac undrywiaith fodern hefyd diolch yn fawr,

Hi go to my website it is in welsh, Cornish, English, German and any other modern widley spoken language.

Dyma fe / Here it is
Hefyd ebostiwch fi ar
Email me aswell
meic   Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:54 pm GMT
pwy mae biscuit ma?malu cachu fel na, halaias i pump mlynedd ola yn dysgu yr iaith y nefoed a wy,n bwriadu i ie defnyddio e pob cyfle yng fy ty i gyda fymlant a tu mas a enwedig ar y wefan, felly dewch ymlaen cymry cymraeg cysylltlwch y wefan ma i swgennu yn gymraeg! wy,n casau y sais
Damian in Edinburgh   Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:23 pm GMT
***You're as bad as those idiots at the McDonald's in Cardiff who spoke English to Welsh-speaking customers but spoke in Welsh to me***

Those guys in McDonalds, Cardiff, obviously saw you coming, Adam...."hey, guys, here's Adam the Sais coming - let's have a bit of fun....." :-)
Fred   Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:33 pm GMT
> >***You're as bad as those idiots at the McDonald's in Cardiff who spoke English to Welsh-speaking customers but spoke in Welsh to me***

Those guys in McDonalds, Cardiff, obviously saw you coming, Adam...."hey, guys, here's Adam the Sais coming - let's have a bit of fun....." :-)<<

Sheesh, if you really think that that is such a problem, and you think that that's going to happen in Wales, just speak French or German to them initially, and then they will respond back to you in English. They won't speak Welsh to Continental folk, they just do it to annoy the English.