a (metric) unit

Uriel   Mon Jan 30, 2006 6:04 am GMT
Jim, Adam hasn't made any sense in a long time. Why would you expect him to do so now?
Jim   Mon Jan 30, 2006 6:49 am GMT

Adam made sense once? Wow, that's news to me. I'm afraid I don't recall that belessed day, a long time ago, on which he made any sense.
PeterR   Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:24 am GMT
I think of temperatures around freezing in Centigrade (dunno why they renamed it Celsius) and temperatures of warm weather in Fahrenheit.

I think this must be because it seems logical for freezing point to be zero, but like Adam I find the idea of temperatures in the 30s being hot rather strange.

Is Britain the only country that weighs people in stones? (A stone = 14 lbs or 6.35 kg). Obviously that's not how it's officially done, but that's how I'd guess over 90% of people think of their weight.

Having just acquired a baby daughter, it's rather funny how the medics have to weigh her in kg and then convert into pounds for the poor uninitiated general public parents.

Adam   Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:41 am GMT
We still weigh people in stones, because 80% of the British people prefer using Imperial.

Telling temperature in Imperial is more accurate than Metric. That's because Imperial measurements fit more perfectly across the scale. In Imperial, 50 is average, 80 is hot, and 20 is cold, whereas in metric about the HOTTEST temperature that the weather can be anywhere in the world must only be about 70-odd degrees. Anything above 30 degrees is hot.

I remember when I went to Italy, I asked what temperature is was. It was BOILING. I got told it was 45 degrees. I said: "Is that it? It feels more like 95 degrees."
greg   Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:05 pm GMT
Adam :

-20° = sibérien
-10° = très froid
0° = gel
10° = froid
15° = frais
20° = doux
25° = agréable
30° = chaud
35° = très chaud
40° = caniculaire
100° = ébullition

C'est bien : tu fais de la physique et du français en même temps !
Uriel   Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:55 pm GMT
jim, I was giving Adam the benefit of the doubt, since he was here before I was, and so I can't vouch for anything he said before I showed up. And hey, anything's possible. He might accidentally have a lucid moment someday!

Stones are not used in the US as a weight measurement. I never know what they mean. I know it's supposed to be 13 or 14 pounds or something like that, but I can't be bothered to do that conversion in my head.
Adam   Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:57 pm GMT
It's the same for us. We don't know what kilograms are.

I weigh about 11 stones, but God knows what that is in kilos or some other alien meaurements.
Damian in Edinburgh   Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:18 pm GMT
***We still weigh people in stones, because 80% of the British people prefer using Imperial***

I'm proud to be one of the great 20%. Stones??? Stones are things you chuck at ......ooops, sorry! .. I'm strictly a non violent metricated guy......all 53kgs of me.

How stupid ....every organisation everywhere uses metric officially ....but 80% of the public apparently convert it to imperial according to the Arch Imperialist Adam....are they mostly old people, Your Imperial Majesty?
Candy   Mon Jan 30, 2006 6:03 pm GMT
A stone is 14 pounds.

<<are they mostly old people, Your Imperial Majesty? >>

Hate to agree with Adam here (it won't happen again!) but I'm young and I still talk about my weight in stone, not kilos, in the same way that I say 'I'm 5 foot 4' not 1 metre 64. I understand kilos, but I just prefer to think of weight in stones and pounds.
Adam   Mon Jan 30, 2006 6:05 pm GMT
"He's lost me there. What's wrong with the fact that the hottest temperature that a day could be is 50 degrees? This is not a reason ... is it? It seems to be to Adam who continues "... imperial measurements fit perfectly across the scale from 0 - 100." as if there were anything special about zero to a hundred. Besides, 0 degrees Foreignheight ... Farenheit, sorry, that almost minus 18: bloody freezing. "

50 being average temperature seems more normal than it being near the top of the scale.

Also, 0 degrees Farenheit being minus 18 degrees Celsius proves again that Imperial is better than Metric - if the temperatures across Europe on a particular day are the same, that means that whilst it's only 0 degrees in Britain, it's minus 18 in Continental Europe.
"I will say this though. If the UK government is to go ahead with metrication (and I still think it should but it's not my country so who am I to say?), then they should be assisting with infrastructure: i.e. footing the bill to help small businesses replace their pint glasses and bottles, bread containers, etc.; they should also do something to stop any potential price hikes. "

So go ahead with the pointless process of metrication (even if it's against the opinion of more than 80% of the British population) even if it costs MILLIONS OF POUNDS to do so, when that money could otherwise be spent on schools and hospitals?

Paying to convert to Metric is yet ANOTHER reason to NOT convery to Metric.
Adam   Mon Jan 30, 2006 6:08 pm GMT
"How stupid ....every organisation everywhere uses metric officially ....but 80% of the public apparently convert it to imperial according to the Arch Imperialist Adam....are they mostly old people,"

No, not at all. Even the vast majority of the Metric-educated 18-24 year olds only think in Imperial.

How many young British people (apart from you and your friends) say their weight in kilograms rather than stones?
Damian in Edinburgh   Mon Jan 30, 2006 6:16 pm GMT
Thanks Adam! I'm sorry, but I was educated in metric and think in metric, believe it or not. Maybe Scotland is more metric than England...not sure about that one...no doubt you will come up with a copy/paste jobbie to confirm. Don't ever change Adam...you are fun to take the piss out of. See...you even make me end sentences with a preposition.

Long live the Anglo/Scottish spats.....good fun and no hard feelings. When the chips are down we stick together.....except at Murrayfield and Twickenham.
Benjamin   Mon Jan 30, 2006 7:27 pm GMT
If Adam is as young as I suspect he is, I'm very surprised that he really thinks in Fahrenheit instead of Celsius.

I'm British, and I can use both metric and imperial, although not always in the same way. I tend to use imperial in the colloquial sense; that is, I know that I'm about 5'10" and about 8 stone, and I know about how long an inch is. But if you were to ask me how many inches are in a foot, or how many feet are in a yard or whatever, I wouldn't know. I understand the metric system perfectly though.
european   Mon Jan 30, 2006 7:40 pm GMT
the metric system is the best, who cares about the old fashion primitive UK
Adam   Mon Jan 30, 2006 7:53 pm GMT
"the metric system is the best, who cares about the old fashion primitive UK"

Metric is so much "better" than Imperial that Metric uses multiples of ten, and ten can only be divided by 1, 2, and 5.

Imperial likes using multiples of twelve - which can be divided by 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6.