DENNIS   Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:09 pm GMT
Hello, I have a question pertaining to the Sardenian language. When words are pluralized in the Logudorese and Nuorese dialects by adding the letter "s", is this "s" pronounced?
I've noticed some speakers not pronouncing it.
If anyone knows, please respond
Thank you!
greg   Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:15 am GMT
Lui Zalot : c'est méritoire — voire admirable — d'entreprendre une comparaison de la syntaxe (ou de la phonologie) du castillan du XXe s. et celle du scriptolatin classique (quelques 20 siècles en arrière). Je suis certain que ton étude gagnerait en relief si tu y incorporais l'orolatin tardif et l'ancien castillan. Mais peut-être que les conclusions à tirer seraient par trop... surprenantes !
Luis Zalot   Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:20 am GMT

I barely understand French, but I did get what you meant in a sense.
here's an website about old spanish; and the pronunciation NOT used in
Modern Spanish. Note: that "coraçon" in old-spanish was pronounced very similarily to latin-american spanish

corazon (latin american spanish, "corason") >-s- written:z
coraçon (old spanish, "coratson") >-ts- usually written:ç
corazon (modern castilian, "corathon") >-th- written:z

Old spanish was closer to vulgar or classical latin grammar to some extent. Modern spanish is too, just that Modern Spanish has simplified the Vulgar Latin vocal system to only 5 open vowels (as in Classical- Latin) -- a. e, i, o, u -- that are pronounced clearly and without reduction in both stressed and unstressed positions. The vowels, that are short in Classic Latin, diphthongate when stressed in Spanish

All I have said and pointed out is the following:

"Spanish often holds quite closely to classical Latin grammar in places."

Modern Castilian and Old-spanish are VERY much alike. It's rather mutual and understandable between both. Phonology is almost the same, like I've depicted above...Modern-castilian or spanish perfered to simplify the vulgar latin PHONOLOGY towards an more "classical" way. The sibilant 's' was still professed in old-spanish which it inherited from classical-latin hence, it's the REASON why "modern" CASTILIAN-spanish still has it and in some variants of latin-american spanish, respectively.

Here's an "prayer" in 11th century Castilian-spanish & Modern-castilian

11th century spanish;

Cono aujtorio de nuestro dueno. dueno Christo. dueno
salbatore qual dueno get. ena honore. e qual dueno tienet .ela
mandatjone. cono patre cono spiritu sancto enos sieculos. de lo siecu
los. facanos deus omnipotes tal serbitjio fere ke denante ela sua face
gaudioso segamus. Amen

Modern Castilian Spanish;

Con la ayuda de Nuestro Señor, Señor Jesucristo, Señor
Salvador, el cual Señor está en el honor y el cual
Señor tiene el mandato con el Padre y con el Espíritu Santo por los siglos de los siglos. Háganos Dios omnipotente tal servicio que
ante su faz gozosos sigamos. Amén.

As you can obviously view here "11th century" spanish resembles much of latin and still is understandable by modern-spanish speakers to an great extent, and both are VERY similar...NONETHELESS!
Sorin   Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:30 am GMT
Frontera >From his coments in the past leads me to belive that (Sorin) he wants is to be Italian. He thinks that he does nothing but come here insult their heritage and but in reality all he does is disgrace his own ppl!<

Georgero > Is this some kind of a joke or what??? Romanians don't need to learn Italian. :-). Most of them understand Italian without the need of learning it...99% of Romanians don't want to be anything else than Romanians and they have huge proud about that, even if sometimes is unjustified.<


Listen you Frontera, you little Mafioso Macaroni, my Romanian mate already told you, you were probably smelling your own sh1t for too long…Probably your broken English doesn’t confer you the luxury to understand MY SATIRE ! But you got it completely wrong! And I start questioning your I.Q, or maybe your poor English betrayed you. Or did the Mafiosos put the Drugs in the macaroni ?!

Listen you short fat and dark Mafioso Macaroni immigrant to (Brooklyn USA)

I AM NOT an ADMIRER at all, my dear BimbO !

Italian language suits ONLY women, as being a very BimbO Lola language. I wrote this hundreds 100 -100-100-100 of times, dude ! Italian sounds good spoken by women ONLY, it’s a very feminine language. Spoken by men sounds queer - to me (no offence) Italian doesn’t sound masculine at all !!!!!

I like the way Italian sounds spoken by women only (sounds very feminine)

I LIKE WOMEN!------- But I DON’T want to be a WOMAN!
I LIKE the RED DRESS on WOMEN ONLY -----I don’t want to wear a DRESS !!!! NO WAY! Ha ha ha !

Capito ?

Romanian has the Latin elegance and the Sobriety by keeping the U endings. Remember Latin was a SOBER language. Italian is not sober at all, Italian is BIMBO. Thank you very much indeed!

And to confirm my point (A SCIENTIFIC FACT) even Brennus wrote about it. I repeat:

Mostly men like the Italian language (as being a feminine language)
And Mostly women like the French language (as being more masculine and elegant)

We like the opposites!

(A SCIENTIFIC FACT- verified by census - surveying the American population for linguistic- euphonic purposes)

I have never studied or manifested any interest in Italian at all. As a Romanian I can understand 75 % of Italian. I am more fascinated by Spanish and its Castilian rhythm and flamenco music! At the moment I am studying French , and I wont be able to read your pamphlets and pathetic boycotts for a while…

…à bientôt !

Georgero,vezi ca Mafiotii astia baga droguri in macaroane!

Salut !
Sorin   Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:54 am GMT
Joana Benedek = Frontera ( an old troll)

Next time try some : Olga Dombrowsky or Svetlana Kovaleva ! Frontera sounds too ridiculous, ha ha ha !
Sigma   Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:18 am GMT
Ya he perdido el hilo de esta discusión.
*CarloS*   Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:24 am GMT
Sigma yo también. En verdad no sé porqué discuten tanto.

Ok guys, we know Romanian IS the closest language to Latin. Big deal...
JR   Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:44 am GMT

Romanian is the closest to "Classical latin's" Declension and some classical latin words. The rest is vulgar latin. And with slavic influences
in it's syntax & little in it's phonology. 23.5% EVOLVED from CLASSICAL-LATIN'S -phonology-


Spanish often holds closely to "Classical latin" in places. Also has some classical latin words. And some archaic latin words for example; "suepnos" and "aire" for (sueño and aire, spanish) the rest is vulgar latin. Syntax resembles much of Classical-Latin, with moderate arabic influences...sometimes avoidable. 20% evolved from CLASSICAL-LATIN'S -Phonology-

"The rules that regulates the verb in the regent clause and in the subordinate one in order to express anteriority posteriority and contemporaneity, usually the subordinate clause go to subjunctive mood, and there are still present the infinitive clauses, accusative, verb-conjuncting, sibilant "s" etc ." -Spanish's inheritance from C.L
JR   Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:49 am GMT

Let's keep this discussion "Diplomatic."
Georgero   Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:41 am GMT
Or maybe Frontera should be Granitza. Sounds better. :-)
Raffaele   Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:29 pm GMT
"Italian language suits ONLY women, as being a very BimbO Lola language. I wrote this hundreds 100 -100-100-100 of times, dude ! Italian sounds good spoken by women ONLY, it’s a very feminine language. Spoken by men sounds queer - to me (no offence) Italian doesn’t sound masculine at all !!!!!

I like the way Italian sounds spoken by women only (sounds very feminine)

I LIKE WOMEN!------- But I DON’T want to be a WOMAN!
I LIKE the RED DRESS on WOMEN ONLY -----I don’t want to wear a DRESS !!!! NO WAY! Ha ha ha ! "

You posible hear soth Italian.Not al Italian dialects is femininile.In north Italy the dialect is more sobrer. Italy from souht is very different from north Italy. Mafioso are only the poor Italian from the south they emigrate to many country and give Italy bad name. They have bad imagine in north Italy and not ol Italian is dark skin. In north Italy is many blond people.
Raffaele   Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:17 pm GMT
"Frontera Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:34 pm GMT

S.P.Q.R same here grandparents where from Calabria, I've been wanting to move there all my life. But I have know clue what to expect. Would you mind helping me out. Also I have read that Calabria and Sicily are very close. Is that true and how does it play out between the two ppl? "

Frontera what country are you from ? and why you want to move to Calabria ?
S.P.Q.R   Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:35 pm GMT
To Raffaele.
Yes sicily and calabria are where close from a geographical poin of view, the interaction between the people from calabria and sicily is however good, except for soccer team.
Frontera   Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:57 pm GMT
Sorin Is nothing but a Nazi. Your a fucking racist, and have nothing to do but hate others, your pathetic and one day your gona be left alone with that. And and adn adn I know you must be reading this and think how childesh. Will thats my inpersonation of you! I bet most ppl here will agree. Also reread your post I noticed alot of mistakes on it.

Go ahead keep on bashing Italians (even if some of them would like to deny any relation) I'll let history speak for itself. I've read up on your claims on Roman descent in Romaina and Your no more Roman than the English or even any where else in the Balkians. I think the only place near Romania that could would have any strong Roman decendents would be Athens. As I've said before France what a beautiful Roman provance, but Romania what a reminder of all that is ugly with in us. But I'm the idiot right? Check this out for your info the Romans were only in Romania for about 200 years, and when the Romans left most of them left, that would in clude most of the settlers.

"The oldest written text in Romanian is a letter from 1521, in which Neacşu of Câmpulung wrote to the mayor of Braşov about an imminent attack of the Turks. It was written using the Cyrillic alphabet, like most early Romanian writings. The earliest writing in Latin script was a late 16th century Transylvanian text which was written with the Hungarian alphabet conventions." Yeah, you most be more Roman than me or Raffaele.

Also"Since the 19th century, many modern words were borrowed from the other Romance languages, especially from French and Italian (for example: birou < bureau = desk, office; avion = airplane; exploata = exploit, etc). It was estimated that about 38% of the number of words in Romanian are of French or Italian origin and adding this to the words that were inherited from Latin, it makes about 75-85% of the Romanian words that can be traced to Latin." Thats cool about half of Romanian is stolen. So orginally your language was only about 40% Latin at all.

One last thing for a racist like yourself to keep in mind. What really pisses you of about Hispanics, Italian, and even though you may not have critized the Greeks I bet you think of them as trolls as well, is that the colour of our skin and our dark hiar is what one day your decendents will look just like us as well. Every time you see relative of yours with black hair or dark skin know that we came we saw we conqured.
Frontera   Tue Apr 11, 2006 5:01 pm GMT
Raffaele I'm from the United states, yeah I know what horrable place. I want to go to Calabria because thats where my family is from.