Brennus where art thou?

Langcafé   Fri Jul 22, 2005 5:35 pm GMT
Brennus it has been more than 50 days since the auxilery forum opened and you never came.Soon a new language forum will go online,this time on a 'real' website (Langcafé) will you post there as well as here and Unilang?

Take a look!
Brennus   Sat Jul 23, 2005 8:10 am GMT

Thank you for the notice. I have been checking the forum periodically but haven't seen a topic there yet that I wish to respond too. As soon as I do, I will certainly post a commentary. Thanks again, however, for notifying me and for your concern.

--- Brennus
Nina van Horn   Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:38 am GMT
Boooh! Brennus is a Germanophobe!
zzz   Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:27 am GMT
Hmm. The link you posted just asks me if I want to create my own free forum. It doesn't seem to work.
Bob   Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:50 am GMT
Who's Brendus?
Pauline   Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:34 pm GMT
1. I don't know why Langcafé has invited brennus.It's very well without him. Better, I think.

2. Nina van Horn wrote: " Boooh! Brennus is a Germanophobe! "

correct LOL !!
3. Bob wrote: "Who's Brendus? "

He's the moderator of this forum who don't like german / dutch and who delete all the interesting messages /threads about this languages but he don't delete the stupid threads written in english / spanish /portuguese (I don't mean all the threads written in those languages are stupid of course not).
Pauline   Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:20 pm GMT

I think that what I wrote was not very bad. There 're things much more worse on this forum. I didn't write something very rude, bad words etc..

Also, I've looked to the website of your link, and I've tried to read it. I could mostly understand it, but what I can't understand is what have it to see with me? It was about to get some employment, some profile of you that people can read those things what you've put online. I don't try to get some employment. After about 15 years probably I will look for a job, but I think that nobody has interest for what was written on Antimoon 15 years preceding.

What I wrote was the truth: you deleted our interesting threads. Why it's dangerous stating this fact? I havn't no idea who's Nina, but I agree with her that you're germanophobe.

It's nasty that you try to frighten us. It's evident that you're not a nice or kind person.
Guest   Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:05 pm GMT

Don't be too personal. Brennus has a point. He is too lenient for a moderator. Other moderators behave nothing less than a dictator and in order to post of what you want to post you have got to be in their good books which is not the case right here. He is an American, still he let fly a lot of anti-american stuff on the forum. As I said above, he is not strict at all. If you still disagree, you are free to post on other language forums.
Nina van Horn   Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:43 pm GMT
I agree with Brennus that you shouldn't spend too much energy on arguing with him. He makes the rules and that's it.
Pauline   Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:50 pm GMT

My native language is french and I'm belgian. I havn't no connections with Germany but I agree that you're germanophobe after all the deletions and attitude you've demonstrated.

I wrote on those german threads for improve my german, and mostly our converstaions were asking / replying about grammar and other things. You didn't understood what we've put there so it's why you've thought it was not relevant. The dutch threads it were the same situation.

The argument with Sander wasn't relevant. He followed me to all the threads where I've written, for insult me and tell that I can't speak fluently dutch, what I can. I don't like when people accuse me things what I'm not doing so I replied him. That you've deleted this messages was absolutly correct, of course, but you deleted many helpful and valuable contents also.

>>----Certainly, no employer you ever work for is going to let you use their company computers for the purpose of sending personal messages to people. So, if you have that kind of habit, it could be costly and now would be the time to break it.---->>

The job I would like is psychiatrist, so it will be after many years of study, and now I'm 14 (next week 15) so your advices are not useful.

>>---Don't be too personal. Brennus has a point. He is too lenient for a moderator. Other moderators behave nothing less than a dictator and in order to post of what you want to post you have got to be in their good books which is not the case right here. He is an American, still he let fly a lot of anti-american stuff on the forum. As I said above, he is not strict at all. -->>

Hello again Brennus,

I don't be too personal!!!!! You're not too lenient, but you don't moderate with reason: you delete the interesting threads in german /dutch because of you don't understand them. You don't delete those ones to which you refer because you can understand.

The criterion for deletion is incorrect. It is: can Brennus understand the language YES? okay. NO? delete.

It would better be: is the content offensive i.e. racist, sexist etc? delete such threads /messages.

>>--If you still disagree, you are free to post on other language forums.-->>

Yes, I disagree, this is human right to have an opinion not submitting to all the manipulations. I post on other language forums. i don't visit much this forum now, just sometimes.
Guest   Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:23 pm GMT

My dear. Control yourself. Don't make yourself look like a fool. Stick to rules and regulations of the forum and don't argue with the moderator.
It is an honest piece of advice by another fellow poster.
Pauline   Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:36 pm GMT
>>-----My dear. Control yourself. Don't make yourself look like a fool. Stick to rules and regulations of the forum and don't argue with the moderator.
It is an honest piece of advice by another fellow poster.-----<<

Who are you, Sander, Brennus? For sure, or a friend of them.

I'm not fool. It's allowed have other opinions.It would be fool to *not* have some own opinions.

To what rules and regulations I havn't adhered? I've read things *much* more worse on other threads.

Why don't argue with the moderator? Now he's God, Allah or someone other divine existence?
Guest   Wed Feb 07, 2007 5:12 pm GMT

You can not reason with stupidity -- Jackson's brother on Big brother.
Guest 2   Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:31 pm GMT
Pauline, don't bother. You and Brennus just can't get along. Arguing with him will neither help nor fix anything.
Pauline   Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:47 pm GMT
>>----Pauline, don't bother. You and Brennus just can't get along. Arguing with him will neither help nor fix anything.....<<

Why you tell me? why you don't tell brennus?

What does it mean: "nor fix anything"?