World languages

Guest   Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:29 am GMT
<< Spanish is first in Latin America, second in North America, but fourth in European Union. Perhaps second, because of the slight fall of French. >>

Spanish is second in South America the great fall. 7th in Europe behind French, English, German, Italian, Dutch, and Swedish in importance.
French is third in North America, third in European Union and fourth in Africa. Slight fall.

<< French is third in North America, third in European Union and fourth in Africa. Slight fall. >>

French is first on Africa and with English first in EU. Spanish on the other met is death in Western Sahara and Equatorial Guinea so rapid.
Franciscco Franco   Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:32 am GMT
Castellano is first in Castila and nowhere else because the speeches in Hispanic America is disintigrating into numerous independent toungue just like Afrikaans.
Czar   Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:35 am GMT
The problem of Spanish is that it is first in nowhere. The power of English and French all over the globe has damaged it a lot.
Guest   Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:35 am GMT
<<The problem of Spanish is that it is first in nowhere>>
so mamon al menos en mi casa sí. Que sepas que mi casa esta en algún sitio en este mundo.
<<The power of English and French all over the globe has damaged it a lot. >>
Lo que tu digas,mi hermano. No sé si será verdad esta noticia: Rusia ha anunciado la creación de un nuevo canal de televisión que emitirá de manera ininterrumpida 24 horas de noticias en español a partir de 2008:

Hermoso idioma español
¿Que te quieren prohibir?
Yo creo que no hay razón
Que tú dejes de existir.

Ps: Gracias Czar, en verdad te digo que eres una persona culta,objetiva y sincera.
Guest   Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:20 pm GMT
<< Lo que tu digas,mi hermano. No sé si será verdad esta noticia: Rusia ha anunciado la creación de un nuevo canal de televisión que emitirá de manera ininterrumpida 24 horas de noticias en español a partir de 2008: >>

So what Russia(Soviet Union) has been transmitting programs in English, French, and other languages several decades ago.

Does that mean that Russians will speak Spanish? No. As a matter of fact Russian language is overrunning Gibraltar and Cuba.
Guest   Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:41 pm GMT
<<So what Russia(Soviet Union) has been transmitting programs in English, French, and other languages several decades ago>>
¿Y qué?. Lo único que he dicho es lo que he dicho: que van a crear un canal en español, sin más . Despues lo que hagan con ese canal o quién lo vea es otra cosa.
<<Does that mean that Russians will speak Spanish? >>
¿He dicho yo algo sobre esto?. De todas formas no sé si lo hablan pero lo que sí sé es que sí lo escuchan, 2 ejemplos:
<<As a matter of fact Russian language is overrunning Gibraltar and Cuba>>
Guest69   Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:46 pm GMT
La lengua española es la lengua más hablada de las Américas, con unos 400 millones que la tienen como primera o segunda lengua. Es la segunda lengua de América del Norte, y la primera de América Latina si diferenciamos ambos continentes.

Respecto a Europa, el español según todos los informes oficiales de la Unión Europea, es la cuarta más estudiada, después del ingles, del francés y del alemán.

En Africa, la lengua española es minoritaria. No obstante, se habla en Marruecos, Sahara Occidental, Ceuta y Melilla, Islas Canarias, y Guinea Ecuatorial. También se estudia por un número de estudiantes bastante aceptable en Costa de Marfil, Senegal, Gabón, Camerún, Angola, Argelia, Egipto, etc.

En Oriente Medio, se habla y estudia español y judeoespañol en Israel, Palestina y Turquía. En Extremo Oriente, se estudia y habla el español y el chabacano en Filipinas. Hay también estudiantes de español en Japón, China, Corea del Sur, etc

En Oceanía, el español y el chamorro se hablan en la isla de Pascua, islas Marianas y en Guam. Se habla de forma minoritaria en Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Samoa, Hawai, islas Marshall, etc. Sumando todos los hablantes y estudiantes de español y chamorro, probablemente es la tercera lengua de Oceanía.

En la Antártida, aunque sea de forma simbólica, es probablemente la segunda más hablada, debido principalmente a las bases de Argentina, Chile y España.

En resumen, el español es una lengua internacional bastante expandida, igual que lo es el francés.

Recuerdo a todo el mundo que el francés y el español no rivalizan en ninguna zona, ya que se hablan en zonas diferentes. No tiene sentido esta rivalidad.
Guest   Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:13 pm GMT
El español es la lengua indoeuropea con más hablantes nativos. Ahí es nada, y al que le moleste que reviente.
Guest   Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:16 pm GMT
"French is first on Africa and with English first in EU"

That is not true.

In European Union there are several surveys about languages. English is the most spoken language including second speakers. German is second and French is THIRD.

In Africa, Arabic is first. That is clear. It is very difficult to know which is second, but probably is Swahili. English, including Nigerian English, is likely to be third, thanks to Nigeria and South Africa, very populated countries. French is probably FOURTH or fifth depending on speakers of Hausa.

That is not an attack against French language. That is only the truth.
JLK   Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:43 pm GMT
<<In Africa, Arabic is first. That is clear. It is very difficult to know which is second, but probably is Swahili. English, including Nigerian English, is likely to be third, thanks to Nigeria and South Africa, very populated countries. French is probably FOURTH or fifth depending on speakers of Hausa. That is not an attack against French language. That is only the truth.>>

You don't speak the truth. As far as numbers are concerned 175 million Africans, or 20% of the total population, speak an Arabic dialect. Considering the lack of intelligibility between Arab dialects in Northern Africa this isn't that significant. Egyptians can't understand Moroccans and visa-versa. 115 million+ people in Africa speak French and this covers the vast majority of western Africa, a huge area, larger than the Anglo or Arab-speaking regions in Africa. Swahili and Hausa are nowhere near to comparing with this. To genuinely get a feel for Africa and to see it in it's full glory, one only needs English and French, no other languages in Africa matter...
Guest   Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:52 pm GMT
<<get a feel for Africa and to see it in it's full glory>>

Full glory? Did you mean 'full goreyness'? What's glorious about poverty and aids and civil war?
JLK   Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:52 am GMT
<<Full glory? Did you mean 'full goreyness'? What's glorious about poverty and aids and civil war?>>

Depends on where in Africa you go...

And like that stuff doesn't exist in Asia or Latin America....

I'm always amused when people talk about bloodshed, poverty and corruption with horror and naive conviction. These things are the norm around most of the world unfortunately...
Guest   Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:18 am GMT
Depends on where in Africa you go..

South Africa and Canary Islands are pretty developed, but they don't speak French.
Guest   Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:16 am GMT
They Speak English and Spanish.
JLK   Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:03 am GMT
Gabon is quite developed and they do speak French...