Is the Mandarin Chinese uniform everywhere?
<<The word "星期" (means: a cycle of stars; week) is a loanword (translation of meaning) from Japanese. >>
Really? I thought the Japanese say 週 (shuu) for "week". In fact, the word 星期 does not exist in Japanese.
Kaeops Tue Mar 31, 2009 12:08 am GMT
The best Chinese dish I've ever had was a Portuguese bacalhau in Macau.
What courses of dish did you have?
The Chinese cuisine has such a variety of sub-cuisine, I assure you!
The Truth Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:22 pm GMT
Shuimo is one of those people paid by the Chinese government to promote China on the internet. He ain't doing so well so far!
How much cent should I give you for reading my posts? LOL
> china 1,
> 你词的解释是正确的。但是你说的几个观点是错误的。
> 第一,在不是说 "普通话的地区" (Mandarin Speaking Region) 也说星期天或者星期日,像 "我" (me; a native Wu speaker),住在区,我们不讲 "普通话" (Spoken Mandarin),但是我们 "口头" (Spoken Wu) 都说礼拜日或星期天。"吴语地区" (Wu Speaking Region) 不讲 "普通话",这里有7000多万人口。
Thanks for your posting.
The above is discuss the Mandarin language / dialect, not to discuss the Wu language / dialect. You can read that posting again.
<<<The word "li bai tian; 礼拜天" is a word of Spoken Mandarin (口头语言), which is a colloquial word only and is usually speaking in the popular Mandarin speakers at Mainland. This word "li bai tian; sunday" is not used in the Standard Written Mandarin (书面语言) because the educated people are trained in a same model of dislike any kind of religions in the past 60 years. >>>
<<< The word "xing qi tian; 星期天" (means: the seventh day of "a cycle of stars" in a week; sunday) is also a Mandarin word, that is used both in the Spoken Mandarin and Standard Written Mandarin. >>>
"li bai tian; 礼拜天"
"xing qi tian; 星期天"
The word "li bai tian" and "xing qi tian" are Mandarin pronunciation, not the Wu pronunciation.
> 第二,你说 "受过教育的人" (educated people) 不喜欢用 "礼拜天" (Sunday) 这个词,我觉得这个是不存在的。
> 事实上,所谓的无神论教育根本影响不到 "日常用语" (daily colloquial speaking; Spoken Language "口头语言"),我从小到大,无论到中国的哪个地区,还没有说因为无神论而回避礼拜天这个词的。
The Spoken Language (口头语言) and Written Language (书面语言) are two different communication tools.
In the Putonghua "普通话" (Spoken Mandarin; a kind of Spoken Language), the words "li bai tian; 礼拜天" (Sunday) and "xing qi tian; 星期天" (Sunday) are all adopted in the oral speaking.
But in the Hanyu "汉语" (Written Mandarin; a kind of Written Language), only the word "xing qi tian; 星期天" is adopted in the formal writing. You can see the newspapers, periodicals, books, government documents and files, school textbooks and other written materials in which all printed the word "xing qi tian; 星期天" in there, and you can not find the word "li bai tian; 礼拜天". Unless you read some one novel in one day and in there you may be find that word "li bai tian; 礼拜天".
In the history of China, the cultural officers of governments are like to plan and control the Written Language from the Great Qin Empire to present over 2000 years. Which word can be used and which can't, there are planed and defined.
In the posting only said that word "li bai tian; sunday" is not used in the Written Mandarin (汉语; 书面语言), but "li bai tian; sunday" is adopted in Spoken Mandarin (普通话; 口头语言).
You can read these sentences again:
< The word "li bai tian; 礼拜天" (means: Christians worship the God at the seventh day of a week; sunday) is a word of Spoken Mandarin (口头语言), which is a colloquial word only and is usually speaking in the popular Mandarin speakers at Mainland. >
< This word "li bai tian; sunday" is not used in the Standard Written Mandarin (书面语言) because the educated people are trained in a same model of dislike any kind of religions in the past 60 years. >
< The word "xing qi tian; 星期天" (means: the seventh day of "a cycle of stars" in a week; sunday) is also a Mandarin word, that is used both in the Spoken Mandarin and Standard Written Mandarin. >
你说的因为dislike any kind of religions 这个理由我不知道有没有这回事,但我在中文搜索引擎上也没有找到答案。因为如果要刻意消除礼拜天在书面语中的使用,那么也一定会取消星期天的使用,因为星期天本就来自圣经的创世说,即神创造万事万物后,第七天要休息了。这里顺便提一下,1919年发生了五四新文化运动,这是现代“白话”书面文也就是我们现在使用的书面文产生的根源。1919年以前,中国的书面文【文言文】不要说我们看不懂,外国人不是语言学者更别想看懂了。
If you don't understand some of my writings,I would have time to translate it.
<<The word "星期" (means: a cycle of stars; week) is a loanword (translation of meaning) from Japanese.
> User,
"Really? I thought the Japanese say 週 (shuu) for "week". In fact, the word 星期 does not exist in Japanese."
The Japanese say "週" (shuu) for "week". This sinogram "週" (Japanese pronunciation: shuu) is also mean "cycle". A week in the Japanese is mean a "star cycle" of seven planets; Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Sun. Hence the Chinese languages borrowed this loanword in the form of "translation of meaning". Some Southern Chinese may be borrowed the word "週" (shuu) for week directly.
sinograms and its meaning:
星 star
期 cycle
曜 bright star
週 cycle
English - Japanese Kanji:
week - 週 (cycle)
Monday - 月曜日 (Moon Day)
Tuesday - 火曜日 (Mars Day)
Wednesday - 水曜日 (Mercury Day)
Thursday - 木曜日 (Jupiter Day)
Friday - 金曜日 (Venus Day)
Saturday - 土曜日 (Saturn Day)
Sunday - 日曜日 (Sun Day)
> In fact, the word 星期 does not exist in Japanese.
The word "星期" is a loanword from Japanese in the form of ---
"translation of meaning".
Chinese a week is also called “一周”(Yi Zhou)。周(zhou)means week.
周(Zhou )is also the last name of the person.
周(Zhou )is the name of the dynasty--zhou dynasty. West Zhou(1046-771 B.C), East Zhou(770-256 B.C).
> 因为如果要刻意消除礼拜天在书面语中的使用,那么也一定会取消星期天的使用,因为星期天本就来自圣经的创世说,即神创造万事万物后,第七天要休息了。
The words "星期" (a cycle of stars in a week) and "星期天" (the seventh day of "a cycle of stars" in a week; sunday) is not relate to the Genesis of Bible.
The meaning of a "week" in Japanese (週 shuu; cycle) is about a "cycle of stars"; Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter Venus, Saturn and Sun.
English - Japanese Kanji:
Monday - 月曜日 (Moon Day)
Tuesday - 火曜日 (Mars Day)
Wednesday - 水曜日 (Mercury Day)
Thursday - 木曜日 (Jupiter Day)
Friday - 金曜日 (Venus Day)
Saturday - 土曜日 (Saturn Day)
Sunday - 日曜日 (Sun Day)
In Bible, the seven day of creation is record in Genesis as following.
first day; created day and night
second day; created firmament from the waters
third day; created dry land and seas, plants
fourth day; created Sun, Moon and Stars
fifth day; created fish and bird
sixth day; created beasts, man and woman
seventh day; bless the seventh day as sabbath
圣经的 "创世说",即神创造 "万事万物",第七天休息。
Monday - 月曜日 (Moon Day)
Tuesday - 火曜日 (Mars Day)
Wednesday - 水曜日 (Mercury Day)
Thursday - 木曜日 (Jupiter Day)
Friday - 金曜日 (Venus Day)
Saturday - 土曜日 (Saturn Day)
Sunday - 日曜日 (Sun Day)
To me, these characters mean "moon day" "fire day" "water day"
"tree day" "metal/gold day", "earth day" and "sunday"
>> Clarification, please,
Monday - 月曜日 (Moon Day)
Tuesday - 火曜日 (Mars Day)
Wednesday - 水曜日 (Mercury Day)
Thursday - 木曜日 (Jupiter Day)
Friday - 金曜日 (Venus Day)
Saturday - 土曜日 (Saturn Day)
Sunday - 日曜日 (Sun Day)
>> To me, these characters mean "moon day" "fire day" "water day"
"tree day" "metal/gold day", "earth day" and "sunday"
星 star
曜 bright star
月曜 Moon
火曜 Mars
水曜 Mercury
木曜 Jupiter
金曜 Venus
土曜 Saturn
日曜 Sun
moon day 月日
fire day 火日
water day 水日
tree day 木日
metal / gold day 金日
earth day 土日
sun day 日日
> 神和上帝的意思差不多。
上帝 (Almighty) that was the name of world's creator in the belief of ancient Shang tribes.
神 (god or goddess) that was a term of Shamanism's belief in ancient time.
天 (head, sky) that was the name of a god in Shamanism's belief of ancient Zhou tribes.