French VS Italian
And what the hell is this :
Spanish----La hija de tu dueño intenta cada noche hacer un libro pleno de estatuas con diez cabezas.
Italian------La figlia del tuo domino tenta ogni notte di fare un libro con dieci capi
Romanian as seen is the closer to C.LATIN , you stupid BimbO latinO trols
LAT--Filia domini tui omne nocte temptat facere librum plenum statuarum cum decem capitibus
ROM-Fica domnului tau in orce noapte temptata face o libra plina de statuete cu zece capite
back to the subject
And remember Spanish, Italian and Portuguese languages were shity SECOND CLASS languages for 700 years , as only MEDIEVAL LATIN was the cultural language, for science art and religion
For about 700 YEARS - If someone attempted to translate something from MEDIEVAL LATIN into Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. THEY WERE KILLED AND TORTURED by the CATHOLICS
The FRENCH via NAPOLEON gave you the freedom to speak and write in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese- second class languages for 700 years.
Romanian--Fica domnului tau orce noapte. temptata .face o libra ...plina de statuette ..zece ...capite (barbaric latin)
Fica? sounds like "fincare" (classical latin)
Libra sounds like "libra, classical Latin." meaning pound or weight. (Spanish & Italian etc. perserved this word to "libro")
plina? (all the rest conserved it, to pleno,pieno,plenum)
tau? barbaric word for "tuo" sounds like portuguese "teu"
face? (what happen to the "facere?" or "facer?"
Temptata is perhaps the only thing like "classical latin" (out of romanian)
Zece (pronounced as "Zecheh" a ripped off of Sardianian "Deke" (classical latin, decem; Pronounced as "dekem" The rest looks "rather" fractioned off.
dont cry bimbO AldO, ha ha ha ! Spanish looks like hindu compared with C.LATIN
Spanish----La hija de tu dueño intenta cada noche hacer un libro pleno de estatuas con diez cabezas.
LAT--Filia domini tui omne nocte temptat facere librum plenum statuarum cum decem capitibus
here dude ! Learn some Romanian! the closest by far to C.LATIN
LAT--Filia domini tui omne nocte temptat facere librum plenum statuarum cum decem capitibus
ROM-Fica domnului tau in orce noapte temptata face o libra plina de statuete cu zece capite
good luck !
I haven't forced italian structure to seem more latin, in fact capo is italian
Mi fa male il capo.
Capo dell collo.
Agreed Romanian is latin but please shut up for god's
ROM-Fica domnului tau in orce noapte temptata face o libra plina de statuete cu zece capite.
You forgot one thing, sorin.
ROMANIAN HAS ONE TOO MANY "ACCENTUATION" MARKS. So in reality it looks rather Ugly and nasty.
If a roman soldier viewed "romanian" they would laugh and be is this "gypsy" latin or some strange latin? Libra for librum. (he'll say are you going to weigh something?) He would laugh his head off. Plina for "plenum" he'll say come on now..."fica' for filia he'll say are you going to "cultivate or plant" something? Orce? for omne "he be like "orco?"
One point, Spanish & Italian are the same in "syntax & vocabulary & phonology" in classical & vulgar latin.
Compare this
LAT--Filia domini tui omne nocte temptat facere librum plenum statuarum cum decem capitibus
ROM-Fica domnului tau in orce noapte temptata face o libra plina de statuete cu zece capite
LAT--Filia domini tui omne nocte temptat facere librum plenum statuarum cum decem capitibus
Italian-La figlia del tuo domino tenta ogni notte di fare un libro con dieci capi
or this Spanish (looks like hindu)
Spanish----La hija de tu dueño intenta cada noche hacer un libro pleno de estatuas con diez cabezas.
LAT--Filia domini tui omne nocte temptat facere librum plenum statuarum cum decem capitibus
and this is my Motto !
Spanish, Italian and Portuguese languages were SECOND CLASS languages for 700 years , as only MEDIEVAL LATIN was the cultural language, for science art and religion
For about 700 YEARS - If someone attempted to translate something from MEDIEVAL LATIN into Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. THEY WERE KILLED AND TORTURED by the CATHOLICS
The FRENCH via NAPOLEON gave you the freedom to speak and write in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese- second class languages for 700 years.
ROM-Fica domnului tau in orce noapte temptata face o libra plina de statuete cu zece capite.
Add the accentuation marks. Then we'll see.
Spanish & Italian hardly *even* have a VAST majority of accent marks, compared to Romanian.
tine for tenere come on now?
avea for habere? Seriously...are you kidding me?
LAT--Filia domini tui omne nocte temptat facere librum plenum statuarum cum decem capitibus
Italian-La figlia del tuo domino tenta ogni notte di fare un libro con dieci capi
Spanish----La hija de tu dueño intenta cada noche hacer un libro pleno de estatuas con diez cabezas.
LAT--Filia domini tui omne nocte temptat facere librum plenum statuarum cum decem capitibus
We "CAN" at least see how they -evolved- from Classical to Spanish or Italian. All the words correspond to it's meaning.
COMPARED to "Romanian"
LAT--Filia domini tui omne nocte temptat facere librum plenum statuarum cum decem capitibus
ROM-Fica domnului tau in orce noapte temptata face o libra plina de statuete cu zece capite
Fica? haha
orce? whaaaat?
libra? ARE you SERIOUS?!!
Plina? Okay this is wierd....wierd latin.
noapte? Looks like "no apto" (not apt) to do.!:D hahhaha
Tau? you gotta be kidding me...
>Add the accentuation marks. Then we'll see. <
LAT--Filia domini tui omne nocte temptat facere librum plenum statuarum cum decem capitibus
ROM-Fica domnului tau in orce noapte temptată face o libra plină de statuete cu zece capite
-only two accentuation marks you bimbOs (and a note for you idiots- In Romanian is not necessary to accentuate the words-they are perfectly intelligible for any reader)
Not like Spanish- V is B - Z is “th” J is H –H-doesn’t exist- etc
Hija ? what the hell is that ? pronounced “eehaaa” and looks “haijah”
Sounds like “Eeehaaa donkey” !
Motto !
Spanish, Italian and Portuguese languages were SECOND CLASS languages for 700 years , as only MEDIEVAL LATIN was the cultural language, for science art and religion
For about 700 YEARS - If someone attempted to translate something from MEDIEVAL LATIN into Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. THEY WERE KILLED AND TORTURED by the CATHOLICS
The FRENCH via NAPOLEON gave you the freedom to speak and write in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese- second class languages for 700 years. Languages Manufactured by the CATHOLIC INQUISITION.
Romanian may look somewhat like Classical latin.
But it's structure is awkward. And words have different meaning.....
Popular for "people" come on...NOW your not that POPULAR. Hahaha
Popular (in classical latin) meant "of the people" not "people"
Romanian words ARE Misleading. Like "habere is to tenere" it is similar, but not the correct word.
Fica? haha
orce? whaaaat?
libra? ARE you SERIOUS?!!
Plina? Okay this is wierd....wierd latin.
noapte? Looks like "no apto" (not apt) to do.!:D hahhaha
Tau? you gotta be kidding me...
This is true in a funny way.
Părintele nostru, carele esci în ceriuri, sânţească-se numele tău; Via împěrăţia ta; Fie voia ta, precum în ceri, şi pe pământ; Pănea noastră cea de toate zilele dă-ni-o astăzí. Şi ni ertă detoriele noastre, precum şi noí ertăm detornicilor nostri; Şi nu ne duce în ispită; ci ne scapă de cel rău; Că a ta este împěrăţia şi puterea şi marirea în etern. Amin.
(modern Romanian)
Tatal nostru care esti în ceruri sfinteasca-se numele Tau; Vie imparaţia Ta; Faca-se voia Ta precum in cer asa şi pre Pamânt; Painea noastra cea de toate zilele dă-ne-o noua astăzi. Şi ne iarta noua greşalele noastre precum şi noi iertam greşitilor nostri şi nu ne duce pre noi în ispita ci ne izbaveşte de cel rău; Ca a Ta este imparaţia, slava şi puterea. In numele Tatalui, al Fiului, al Sfantului Duh. Amin.
(another version) How many versions are there?
Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu Reino. Hágase tu voluntad, así en la tierra como en el cielo. El pan nuestro de cada día, danosle hoydia y perdónanos nuestras deudas, así como nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores. Y no nos induzcas caer en la tentación, más líbranos de mal. Amen.
Padre nostro che sei nei cieli, sia santificato il tuo nome; venga il tuo regno, sia fatta la tua volontà, come in cielo così in terra. Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano, rimetti a noi i nostri debiti, come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori e non ci indurre in tentazione, ma liberaci dal male. Amen.
Pater noster, qui est in coelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum, fiat voluntas tua sicut in coelo et in terra. Panem nostrum cottidianum da nobis hodie et dimitte nobis dedita nostra, sicut nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in temptationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.
(classical latin)
Now you tell me? What is closer to Classical Latin? uhhhh....SPANISH & ITALIAN...WAAAAY MORE.
>Romanian may look somewhat like Classical latin.
But it's structure is awkward. And words have different meaning..... <
At least Romanian is not a BIMBO language like Spanish, Italian and Portuguese forcing every word to end in "O"
And, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese languages were brainwashed and manufactured by the pope and his illegal PAPAL state along with the tyranny of the inquisition that lasted 700 years, killing and committing atrocities comparable with the holocaust , Oh my god ! And all this atrocities they committed in the name of God!
As a result Spanish, Italian and Portuguese after 700 years of FORCED medieval LATIN influence are BIMBO languages all having the “0” ending from hell knows what bimbo influence, as Classical Latin had no “O” ending.
It looks like all of you, are silently admitting the legacy of the manufactured influence of medieval latin via 700 years of inquisition , that ranked your language as second class. If someone attempted to translate something from MEDIEVAL LATIN into Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. THEY WERE KILLED AND TORTURED by the CATHOLICS
how about such a FORCED latin influence ? Huh ?
DĪCERE → Portuguese dizer ("to say") SPANISH Decir (to say or I said) diceres (they said). Other common cases of final truncation are the verbal endings, eg. Classical Latin AMĀT → Italian ama ("he loves"), AMĀBAM → amavo ("I loved"), AMĀBAT → amava ("he loved"), AMĀBATIS → amavate ("You pl. loved"), etc..
usted ama
yo amaba
el amaba
vosotros amabais
Vos amat
ego amabam
puellus amabat
vos & vobis Amabatis
(classical latin)
"Spanish often holds quite closely to classical Latin grammar in places."
Pronounciation of that of "classical latin."
Vocabulary is of that Latin too.
It looks like all of you, are silently admitting the legacy of the manufactured influence of medieval latin via 700 years of inquisition , that ranked your language as second class. If someone attempted to translate something from MEDIEVAL LATIN into Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. THEY WERE KILLED AND TORTURED by the CATHOLICS
how about such a FORCED latin influence ? Huh ?
ha ha ha !
I haven't forced italian structure to seem more latin, in fact capo is italian>>
Neither have I. I stated capo was Italian and indeed means "head". My only point of contention was that in normal everyday language, testa is used far more often for "head" and capo for "boss".