French VS Italian
Sorin, Napoleon (besides being short)
He was a protestant, claiming to be French. When in reality he was an Italian born in corisca, which now is primarily french. Uhh, Buonaparte? Sounds *very* much Italian. Though he was utterly confused or prefered French (language) and changed it to bonaparte.
What can we say? More people have been burnt or killed in the name of god via Christianity using god's name in it. (that means all three branches via "catholic,eastern orthodox & protestant.)
Islam was RATHER tolerable in ancient times 632-1800 or so. It would never exterminate a Religion or kill people in the hundreds or anything of that sort. They would just make them "second" class citizens. Respectively. I guess they were the Most "tolerent" amongst religions.
Though like all religions, every single one has or had it's flaws.
The Spanish even so in Muslim rule, they spoke "mozarabic" An Latin Language....which is relatively conversative. Example;
Pater noster, qui est in coelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum, fiat voluntas tua sicut in coelo et in terra. Panem nostrum cottidianum da nobis hodie et dimitte nobis dedita nostra, sicut nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in temptationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.
Padre nostro que yes en el ciel, santificat siad lo teu nomne. Venya a nos el teu regno. Fayadse la tua voluntade ansi en la terra como en el ciel. El nostro pan de cada dia danoslo hoi ed perdonanos las nostras offensas como nos perdonamos los qui nos offendent. Non nos layxes cader in tentacion ed liberanos del mal. Amen.
Luis Zalot, thanks a lot! for the -classical latin- site. I'm noticing a lot of words are equivalent to Spanish in pronounciation. And the "sibilant" -s- is frankly professed in Classical-Latin as MUCH as in Castilian or general spanish.
{{{{{{{{http://www.thereeds.org/latin/pronunciation/chapter2/ }}}}}}}
>Guest Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:08 am GMT
Sorry but Napoleon was protestant, YOU should reread history. <
You little chav, I didn’t mention that Napoleon was a catholic . He was against the Pope’s tyranny, inquisition and totalitarianism and he demonstrated that in 1804 , when he grabbed the crown from the hands of Pope Pius VII and placed it on his own head.
He also allowed the Catholic Church in post-Revolutionary France saying:
“Catholicism is an excellent trick for keeping stupid people quiet”
To Juniior:
Good job, the real history of the inquisition is that.
To Luis Zalot:
Noves gladiatores: Nine gladiatores.
Intelecto: I have understood, or better, understoood (Participle perfect of intellegere). The pronounce is good but i can hear that he's an anglophone because v is too much w and the rythm is not the best.
To sorin:
Linguistically, medieval latin influenced the languages only in preserving some vocabulary related to church and religion,
Giordano bruno an astronomer? That's funny, by the way, did not romanians wrote in cyrilic alphabete? You talk about history.............
>>>Islam was RATHER tolerable in ancient times 632-1800 or so. It would never exterminate a Religion or kill people in the hundreds or anything of that sort. They would just make them "second" class citizens. Respectively. I guess they were the Most "tolerent" amongst religions.>>>>>>
Rather tollerant Islam? Excuse me aldo but, the islam is all except tollerant. Historically till the 1400 al the people of asia minor (Turkey syria palestina egypt) Were greek orthodox, well now. you can see. Is that tollerable? The delete of an entire empire with its religion and customs? Do you know what was hagia sophia in constantinople? Was transfrormed into a mosquee. Is that tollerant? The islam is the only religion that sprung with violence rather with conscience. Rember that Islam says: knee and subject yourselves, is that tollerant? Is tollerant that they are killing priests? Do you rember the antioch massacre in 1110? The sige of constantinople? Do you rember that the mosquee of al aqsa was a church? Sorry if i'm a bit rude but this is the truth , and is not a personal attack
I understand, but Islam wouldn't just kill "non-pagan" people like Chrisitians would to "non-pagan" people. Christians were more brutal in
accusing the "less" obvious of witches,ghosts,demons and let's not forget science. When Muslims (islam) came into rule in those countries the "other" religions became second class citizens and WERE never killed: unlike christians would when they were trying to reconquer their lost lands or whatever.
Though, the truth is "Islam" was more tolerant then Christianity when it came to -reverence- of other religions. Though I know what your saying, I'm not dismissing that account, but saying in a sense "knee and subject" (Islam) was better then "convert or die" (christianity)
Someone wrote a message with my signature " Civis Romanus sum".
Use different names please. Otherwise conversations become impossible.
Though I know what your saying, I'm not dismissing that account, but saying in a sense "knee and subject" (Islam) was better then "convert or die" (christianity).
You made a point Aldo, Christianity did brutal things as the catholic inquisition, i admit that and you said a grat truth, but christianity never tried to make muslim crhistians and otherwise, catholic inquisition was made in crhistina country to clean the ereticism, not to clean make other country christian, is that the difference aldo.
Though, the truth is "Islam" was more tolerant than Christianity when it came to -reverence- of other religions. Though I know what your saying, I'm not dismissing that account, but saying in a sense "knee and subject" (Islam) was better then "convert or die" (christianity).
Yes this is also true, in theory, but not in practice.
Isalm born from violence, this is the truth, wether Jesus said : Believe,
Mohammad said: Knee and subject..................
S.P.Q.R Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:25 pm GMT
Though I know what your saying, I'm not dismissing that account, but saying in a sense "knee and subject" (Islam) was better then "convert or die" (christianity).
You made a point Aldo, Christianity did brutal things as the catholic inquisition, i admit that and you said a grat truth, but christianity never tried to make muslim crhistians and otherwise, catholic inquisition was made in crhistina country to clean the ereticism, not to clean make other country christian, is that the difference aldo.
Though, the truth is "Islam" was more tolerant than Christianity when it came to -reverence- of other religions. Though I know what your saying, I'm not dismissing that account, but saying in a sense "knee and subject" (Islam) was better then "convert or die" (christianity).
Yes this is also true, in theory, but not in practice.
Isalm born from violence, this is the truth, wether Jesus said : Believe,
Mohammad said: Knee and subject..................
I agree, it's a shame it's not in practice (reverence for other religions; so to speak) now of days. But, in general all religions have made an violent impact in the past. Until recently in the 19thcentury that the "Industrial Revolution" and et alia, made religions more soft in practice and were becoming less violent, and it was one big step in the form that we humans are becoming wiser and better little by little. Anyways, Islam's principals professes "reverence" for other religions, but frankly it was at an bad time to do this....(when arabic people were seen or were savages, if this religion would've been FOUNDED in the 21thcentury then it would be a different story. I sugguest on my own behalf to read a book called "What went wrong?" Author, Bernard Lewis. (It talks about how the Islam Religion went towards the wrong path, and Christianity Triumphed.) Islam was revolutionary then, and now it's only seen as archaic form of life.
Napoléon n'était pas protestant. Il est né catholique et l'est resté même s'il a oscillé entré déisme et athéisme. En revanche il était islamophile et judéophile.
<<<agree, it's a shame it's not in practice (reverence for other religions; so to speak) now of days. But, in general all religions have made an violent impact in the past. Until recently in the 19thcentury that the "Industrial Revolution" and et alia, made religions more soft in practice and were becoming less violent, and it was one big step in the form that we humans are becoming wiser and better little by little. Anyways, Islam's principals professes "reverence" for other religions, but frankly it was at an bad time to do this....(when arabic people were seen or were savages, if this religion would've been FOUNDED in the 21thcentury then it would be a different story. I sugguest on my own behalf to read a book called "What went wrong?" Author, Bernard Lewis. (It talks about how the Islam Religion went towards the wrong path, and Christianity Triumphed.) Islam was revolutionary then, and now it's only seen as archaic form of life.<<<<
I Completely agree with you
Are you stupid? Christians invede arabia to make muslim christians?
Can you understand that there is difference between cleaning blood and subjecting other people to muslim faith? Islam is a cancer nobody can deny that, i never heard that the E.R.E attacked the islam, but islam attacked byzantium! Here is the truth, inquisition was a form of defence against the expanding islam! Read some books, then talk.
verdadero, please ignore S.P.Q.R his a typiqual Machiavelli Italian, a brainwashe procatholic.
Spanish Inquisition
[=In the history of the Catholic Inquisition, the Spanish Inquisition is especially well-known, of supposedly converted Muslims, Jews, and Illuminists.
Ferdinand and Isabella appointed Tomás de Torquemada in 1481 to investigate and punish conversos: Jews and Muslims who claimed to have converted to Christianity but continued to practice their former religion in secret.
Conversos were common in Spain. Some disguised Jews had been ordained as priests and even bishops. Detractors called converted Jews Marranos, a pejorative word that can also be translated as "pigs".
The Inquisition was removed during Napoleonic rule (1808–1812), but reinstituted when Ferdinand VII of Spain recovered the throne=]
French Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:20 pm GMT
verdadero, please ignore S.P.Q.R his a typiqual Machiavelli Italian, a brainwashe procatholic.
Spanish Inquisition
[=In the history of the Catholic Inquisition, the Spanish Inquisition is especially well-known, of supposedly converted Muslims, Jews, and Illuminists.
Ferdinand and Isabella appointed Tomás de Torquemada in 1481 to investigate and punish conversos: Jews and Muslims who claimed to have converted to Christianity but continued to practice their former religion in secret.
Conversos were common in Spain. Some disguised Jews had been ordained as priests and even bishops. Detractors called converted Jews Marranos, a pejorative word that can also be translated as "pigs".
The Inquisition was removed during Napoleonic rule (1808–1812), but reinstituted when Ferdinand VII of Spain recovered the throne=]
Still you don't answer my question, have you ever heard of a chrisitan power attacking islam? the E.R.E has attacke islam? Why islam destroyed a colture and an empire? iS THAT tollerant? The catholic inquisition was conduced agaisnt islam territories? Please answe my question or do not post trash.
La actividad de la Inquisición
La institución inquisitorial no es una creación española. Fue creada por medio de la bula papal "Ad abolendam", emitida a finales del siglo XII por el papa Lucio III como un instrumento para combatir la herejía albigense en el sur de Francia
El dominico sevillano Alonso de Hojeda convenció a la reina Isabel, durante su estancia en Sevilla entre 1477 y 1478, de la existencia de prácticas judaizantes entre los conversos andaluces. Un informe, remitido a solicitud de los soberanos por Pedro González de Mendoza, arzobispo de Sevilla, y por el dominico segoviano Tomás de Torquemada, corroboró este aserto. Para descubrir y acabar con los falsos conversos, los Reyes Católicos decidieron que se introdujera la Inquisición en Castilla, y pidieron al Papa su consentimiento. El 1 de noviembre de 1478 el Papa Sixto IV promulgó la bula Exigit sinceras devotionis affectus, por la que quedaba constituida la Inquisición para la Corona de Castilla, y según la cual el nombramiento de los inquisidores era competencia exclusiva de los monarcas. Sin embargo, los primeros inquisidores, Miguel de Morillo y Juan de San Martín, no fueron nombrados hasta dos años después, el 27 de septiembre de 1480, en Medina del Campo.
En un principio, la actividad de la Inquisición se limitó a las diócesis de Sevilla y Córdoba, donde Alonso de Hojeda había detectado el foco de conversos judaizantes. El primer auto de fe se celebró en Sevilla el 6 de febrero de 1481: fueron quemadas vivas seis personas. El sermón lo pronunció el mismo Alonso de Hojeda de cuyos desvelos había nacido la Inquisición. Desde entonces, la presencia de la Inquisición en la Corona de Castilla se incrementó rápidamente; para 1492 existían tribunales en ocho ciudades castellanas: Ávila, Córdoba, Jaén, Medina del Campo, Segovia, Sigüenza, Toledo y Valladolid.
Grabado de Pedro Villafranca del Inquisidor Pedro Arbués, canonizado por ser considerada su muerte como la de un mártir. En el siglo XVII la imagen del inquisidor era todavía para la gran mayoría de la población un ejemplo de fe a seguir.Establecer
Africa was muslim? or was a part of E.R.E? Who started it first?
Pakistan was muslim? or was colonised by them? the truth is : Islam born with violence and is a cancer