Vive Le Quebec libre

Zonorak   Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:18 am GMT
Ok.. I'm from Quebec , and yes im FOR the separation of Quebec.
I want to have my own country , not an english country that disrespect and that does not recognize our difference (We speak french! We have our own culture! We WANT our own rules! we have our own tax! We dont care about you all! continue saying fuck quebec , what do you think we need to separate? HATE US!!)

Who came here FIRST , who colonized the first canada, firstly named Nouvelle-France, its us , French people.

Who came here to make bullshit and treat us like moron and decide everything at us place cause they are more? Who? Yes! You ! Canadian you are!

You are Canadian , we are Quebekers! That'its , There is a BIG difference and dont forget that.

We want to be proud , and seriously , I HATE when someone taking me as an Canadian , cause Im not.

And everyone who said its impossible to us to separate , you'll be suprised when you'll see a new country on the MAP..

PS : Sorry for my english , Im not english.
Guest   Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:26 am GMT
Boo-fucking-hoo. Cry me a river. Quebec gets favoured more than any other province because you guys think that you're better than we are. Let's face it. If you go to Quebec and you are an english Canadian, people will treat you like shit. I walk into a McDonald's and say "Bonjour, est-ce que je peux avoir le numéro 3?" and the guy just glares at me and then says in terrible english "Do you want dat super-sized-uh?" The French are snobs and have absolutely no respect for anyone who tries to speak in french to them. Unless your French is completely flawless, they look down their noses at you as though you're some species of moron. English people don't discriminate nearly that badly. In downtown Calgary, downtown Vancouver or especially downtown Toronto, you will meet dozens of different races who chew up our language and spit it out, and rarely do we patronize.

If a chinese fellow walks into my work and asks me a question, I don't glare at him. I don't make him feel like he's inferior. The French just have this fucking attitude that they are the most important province in Canada, and it's bullshit. I am sick and tired of Quebecers being on the cross about "our 'eritage and our 'omeland" and ranting about how the English stole their land and raped their culture. Well, Quebec, you guys have things very well. You have one of the nicer pieces of land in the country, seeing as we didn't kick you lot out the way we did with the Acadians, and we let you stay. Nouvelle France? First settlements? Who cares! The vikings were here before the French, and the Natives before them! But who won the wars? Who took what they wanted? Britain.

And it's bullshit to say that Canada does not respect your differences. Canada respects everyone's differences. In Calgary, we have mosques, temples, synagogues, churches, cathedrals, and all manner of other places of worship. There is not a race in Canada that can say there is not a part of the country that caters to them and their concerns. What more do the French want, a fucking medal? If you can't find a place in Quebec that caters to your French self and your French concerns, you aren't looking.

And what ??
Krunk Funk   Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:32 am GMT
Please, French Canadians are not the only people in the world who have experienced cultural interference, and they sure as hell don't have it very bad at all.

The native americans basically had everything that they had stolen away from them, and the french were partially responsible for this act. Further more, the Huron tribed was wiped up, mainly due to disease and cultural interference, caused by the French settlers of New France.

The acadians were expelled from Nova Scotia after they refused to swear loyalty to the crown, many of them died while being transported to Louisiana.

Many africans were hunted down, captured and transported to North America for slavery. Even after slavery was abolished, African Americans continued to recieve poor treatment for many decades.

During World War 2, Japanese people living along the west coast were forced to live in intern camps.

That is just a few examples of people who have suffered cultural suppression, many of which recieve no special treatment, priviledges and rights that the French Canadians are blessed with.

Oh and by the way, John Cabot landed on Newfoundland 37 years before Jacques Cartier landed and claimed New France, not to mention the fact that vikings and natives were here centuries before anyone else.
Merlin   Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:39 am GMT
Well I really think that if Quebec wants to separate go ahead. I really do not think they have thought this one through. Right now Quebec has far greater protection within Canada, but once they separate, that insulated layer of protection will evaporate. I have a hard time believing that the several million Quebecers and their culture will be better off when they are surrounded by over 300 million predominantly English speakers. There will be no need for english Canadians to cater to them anymore, nor will the Americans cater to their needs.

I believe the Quebec market in many cases is too small to warrant major investment from multinationals. Hell if I headed a company they better loosen their laws as far as language and such, before I open shop within their borders. Too many costs to do business in Quebec. Quebec will suffer much more on its own.
Guest   Sat Jan 14, 2006 2:24 am GMT
Actually I think there is a restriction on French signs in British Columbia. I never see any, not even on the Trans Canada Highway that runs through the Lower Mainland.

How come?

Is this discrimination?

You bet it is?

I have seen some Chinese street signs in East Vancouver, which are cool.

Anglos in Quebec have it good compared to French rights in the rest of the country
maplesyrup   Sat Jan 14, 2006 2:30 am GMT
What would the ROC be like without Quebec? Who would we pick on then, eh?

And speaking of Canada, Quebeckers might lay claim to the name Canada because they used it first, Les Canadiens, and I am not talking about the hockey team.

What would we be called: Rest of Canada? How embarassing
maplesyrup   Sat Jan 14, 2006 2:40 am GMT
"Quebec is a region with its own distinct economy, language, and culture, and should therefore be allowed to have its own independent political system."

The Argument: In order to preserve Quebecois culture, Quebec must form its own government. It does not belong in the Canadian Federation any longer.

Quebec already has the ingredients of a sovereign country: distinct language, history and outlook, charismatic leaders, and, most important, better bread. Quebecers are ready to cast off the ties that bind them to Canada. They are tired of having their concerns belittled by the other provinces. Legal recognition of Quebec's separate status would be just a formality.

French Canada was forcibly joined to English Canada. The union of the two peoples is unnatural and should be severed. Anyone who would deny Quebec the right to self-determination must be ignorant of Quebec's exceptional history. Champlain, Cartier. Merely listing the names of two French explorers gives a powerful sense of Quebec's glorious past. Quebec's destiny lies in becoming an independent nation.

The Response: The Quebecois should cease their divisive campaign. What further concessions do they require? Or don't they recognize any reasonable bounds to their selfish claims? Every time they're appeased, like back in 1982 with constitutional reform, they just complain more loudly (though maybe this is a stronger argument for letting them go). If the Canadian Federation is weakened through further decentralization of power, or still worse, the departure of Quebec, poorer provinces will be harmed. The Atlantic region is especially vulnerable. Not only will provinces such as New Brunswick and Nova Scotia be physically separated from the rest of the country if Quebec gains independence, they will lose badly needed redistribution payments. Sixty percent of Newfoundland's and Nova Scotia's budget comes from the all-province fund
nonCanadian   Sat Jan 14, 2006 7:35 am GMT
<<The Atlantic region is especially vulnerable. Not only will provinces such as New Brunswick and Nova Scotia be physically separated from the rest of the country if Quebec gains independence>>

I don't think this should be much of a problem -- Alaska's already separated from the rest of the US by Canada (or is the PC term now the "rest of Canada"? :-).
Guest   Sat Jan 14, 2006 10:09 am GMT
<Anglos in Quebec have it good compared to French rights in the rest of the country>

<<The Atlantic region is especially vulnerable. Not only will provinces such as New Brunswick and Nova Scotia be physically separated from the rest of the country if Quebec gains independence>>

Probably an idea that would be obviously rejected by both parties (Nova Scotia and New Brunswick vs Quebec) is probably relining the borders lines so the provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are not cut off from the rest of Canada.

Inreturn for Quebec losing part of it's northern or Southern border lands both provinces would have to compensate Quebec with parts of their provinces seceeding to Quebec and/or cash.

It's only an idea and I know many of you would disagree. I'll understand.
le petit francais   Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:29 pm GMT
si des quebecois de souche ajoutent des messages sur ce site,pourraient ils ecrire dans la langue de moliere et mettre celle de shakespeare de cote quelque temps?merci d avance.
vIVE LE QUEBEC LIBRE SI SON PEUPLE LE DESIRE(ce serait bien quand meme)
Guest   Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:30 pm GMT
How about Labrador? What do you think wil happen?
le petit francais   Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:32 pm GMT
et le nouveau brunswick ils parlent francais?guest why do you speak about labrador(excuse pour mon anglais)
le petit francais   Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:39 pm GMT
zonorak dit qu il n aime pas les americains et il a raison!ces gens la meprisent tt le monde a part les anglo saxons!if an american is reading this message:I M PROUD TO BE FRENCH
le petit francais   Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:51 pm GMT
le petit français   Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:56 pm GMT