Should I learn Russian?
You haven't yet acquainted yourself with everything about CHINA,
You don't understand what achievement CHINA have carried out, either.
You even don't know there're so much freedom of religion and speech in CHINA. You know NOTHING about CHINA. Just stop prattling please, MAN.
I advise to learn Russian, because it can be very helpful actually everywhere, simply because there are many Russian tourists at least in Europe, I ve just returned from Prague, Czech Republic, and you can easily survive with Russian there, in most restaurants menu is in Russian, in hotels and shops people do speak Russian, street signs are in Russian as well sometimes, also Russians are very strong in business, you 'll feel it when Russia joins WTO. Russians really appeciate if you speak their language, you'll be somewhat "closer" to them ;)
Russians are the same racists like any other European nation or like US where skin-head problem is much worse actually, so don't pay any attention on that bullshit.
Good luck!
Russia is in G8. China is NOT.
Spain, China, Brazil, India, Mexico, and South Korea have larger economies than Russia and neither of them are in the G8 moron.
Russia is nothing but a pure wasteland full of bigots and drug addicts - it doesn't help that Russians aren't nice people either. You idiots are so dumb, that many of you praise Stalin and his achievements. Give me a break.
"JR , Istanbul is not the only destination. I would say Russian torists rather visit the coast of Turkey than the capital."
Russians visit Istanbul in order to plan their next invasion of Turkey.
I could agree with if you talk about South and Coastal China.
Just go to the North and West. And country-side. There are vast number of people, who don't like being there.
But, I am not saying that China goes wrong direction...
Looks like anti-Russian paranoia is alive and kicking.
If you guys want to talk politics, I invite you here:
I don't feel like it. It is 730 in Texas and I stayed up all night playing video games. I'm going to bed soon!!!!
Ok, come there tomorrow or this night.
The place is getting a bore without newbies.
Ok, come there tomorrow or this night.
The place is getting a bore without newbies.
Are you implying that I'm a political newbie???
"Spain, China, Brazil, India, Mexico, and South Korea have larger economies than Russia and neither of them are in the G8 moron."
G7 are morons themselves, since they have taken Russia in the club.
(Russian warheads and natural resources don't count.)
Are you implying that I'm a political newbie???
You said: "Russians visit Istanbul in order to plan their next invasion of Turkey. " You should prove that, otherwise you are loser.
Why do Russians feel nuclear weapons enhance their prestige? The fact that Russia has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world is an embarrassment, and a relic of the Cold War. Shouldn't you be spending money on your citizens instead of defense????
It is utterly pathetic that Spain, a nation of 44 million people, has a larger economy than Russia. What is even more laughable is that my home state of Texas, 22 million people strong, has a larger economy than Russia (our GSP is 970 billion).