Thank you linguist, I hope I'll like Russia, too.I hope I'll have a good 6 years of study there.By the way, are you Russian, linguist?I adore Russian people whose language thrills and interests me most.Anyway, byes...
Should I learn Russian?
Real Deal, I am Russian. But my grandmother is Ukranian and my grandfather is Tatar.
>>1st What has always wondered me is that foreigners beleive what their media tells them and movies show
Yep,propoaganda is everywhere. Just read how it works:
>>1st What has always wondered me is that foreigners beleive what their media tells them and movies show
Yep,propoaganda is everywhere. Just read how it works:
Seljuk, before you make this decision maybe you find it interesting how Turks live in Russia. I mean "forewarned is forearmed" thing.
LEARN RUSSIAN DEFINITELY!I'm not telling you to do that because im myself a Slav, a Czech, but for that, Russian is really a necessity in both the CR and the world.When i enter to chat-sites where different languages are spoken, I don't speak my own language Czech but rather Russian as it is more widely known.Many more people speak it today, and it's getting more important day by day.I hope Russia develops quickly enough to catch the trading world around herself.Best luck with your Russian.By the way go RUSSIA and learn RUSSIAN!
Living with race hate in Russia
By Patrick Jackson
BBC News website, Moscow
Most of the Russians on this site look pure white so they are oblivious to racism in their country. You MUST be careful if you don't look white otherwise you will either get beat up or, worse, killed. If you date a Russian you are guaranteed to be denied entry into certain clubs and restaurants, and you will be threatened and heckled everywhere you go.
I, however don't blame the Russian people because they are "relatively" poor and culturally backward - they are afraid of foreigners and are constantly inveighing against the foreign immigration because of the monumental problem of white-Russian demographic decline. In 5-10 years, I hope, Russians will be more accepting of foreigners into their country because of globalization, but I wouldn't bet my house on it.
Even if you look white, you aren't safe - Russians dislike Poles, Chechens, and Georgians; if you are Muslim, you too WILL be discriminated against during your stay in Russia. The police WILL NOT protect you and sometimes they encourage the attacks against minorities. For the most part, Russians are either oblivious to the racism or they are unwilling and scared to take a stand. Slowly, but surely, liberal, pro-democracy groups are protesting against discrimination and racism against foreigners in Russia, but they are the minority (no pun intended - not that this is funny by the way).
Russia: racism on the rise
Zygmunt Dzieciolowski
26 - 4 - 2006
A spate of attacks against ethnic minorities and African students reflects a wider growth of nationalist political sentiment, says Zygmunt Dzieciolowski.
By Patrick Jackson
BBC News website, Moscow
Most of the Russians on this site look pure white so they are oblivious to racism in their country. You MUST be careful if you don't look white otherwise you will either get beat up or, worse, killed. If you date a Russian you are guaranteed to be denied entry into certain clubs and restaurants, and you will be threatened and heckled everywhere you go.
I, however don't blame the Russian people because they are "relatively" poor and culturally backward - they are afraid of foreigners and are constantly inveighing against the foreign immigration because of the monumental problem of white-Russian demographic decline. In 5-10 years, I hope, Russians will be more accepting of foreigners into their country because of globalization, but I wouldn't bet my house on it.
Even if you look white, you aren't safe - Russians dislike Poles, Chechens, and Georgians; if you are Muslim, you too WILL be discriminated against during your stay in Russia. The police WILL NOT protect you and sometimes they encourage the attacks against minorities. For the most part, Russians are either oblivious to the racism or they are unwilling and scared to take a stand. Slowly, but surely, liberal, pro-democracy groups are protesting against discrimination and racism against foreigners in Russia, but they are the minority (no pun intended - not that this is funny by the way).
Russia: racism on the rise
Zygmunt Dzieciolowski
26 - 4 - 2006
A spate of attacks against ethnic minorities and African students reflects a wider growth of nationalist political sentiment, says Zygmunt Dzieciolowski.
Well, I find this statement racist itself, because lots of people of different religion and race come to Russia and leave Russia without a trouble. You blame the whole nation for some 100 murders a year on racist base.
Are you propagandist?
For your knowledge - Russia is a country second to the USA in number of illegal immigrants. Russians living on their own territory face harsh criminal pressure from newcoming ethnic mobs. So the reaction is opposite to the action. Statistic shows that number of crimes commited by foreigners against Russians is higher then race crimes commited by Russians. Definately recent economic crisis has added to this much and altered usual Russian internationalism to the opposite.
>>I, however don't blame the Russian people because they are "relatively" poor and culturally backward - they are afraid of foreigners and are constantly inveighing against the foreign immigration because of the monumental problem of white-Russian demographic decline.
Funny indeed. Did anybody ever ask oneself why newcomers move (or, maybe, escape) to Russia? Lots of Ukranians, Moldovans, Tajiks Georgians (the average monthly wages in Georgia is about $80) have so degrading and poor life in their countries that they run to Russian big cities to scrape up for living of their families stayed "at home".
And illegal immigration has nothing in common with demographic crisis, I can assure you. If Russia had real need in immigrants we would INVITE them.
>>In 5-10 years, I hope, Russians will be more accepting of foreigners into their country because of globalization, but I wouldn't bet my house on it.
If you guys stop bashing us for your own stupid conclusions, we will.
>>Even if you look white, you aren't safe - Russians dislike Poles, Chechens, and Georgians; if you are Muslim, you too WILL be discriminated against during your stay in Russia.
Give me a break. Open any Polish newspaper and read what they write about Russia. However no Pole has been discriminated in here. If you think the opposite, I am waiting for a link...
As for Chechens there is some tensions on the both sides.
Talking about Georgians, try to google who is Boris Akunin (a pen-name for Grigory Chkhartishvili), Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Zurab Tsereteli, Valeri Meladze, Zurab Sotkilava etc. These are Georgians. They live in Moscow.
>>The police WILL NOT protect you and sometimes they encourage the attacks against minorities.
Where did you get this crap?
>>For the most part, Russians are either oblivious to the racism or they are unwilling and scared to take a stand. Slowly, but surely, liberal, pro-democracy groups are protesting against discrimination and racism against foreigners in Russia, but they are the minority (no pun intended - not that this is funny by the way).
OMG. No comment. Wanna talk more politics or we stop now?
Well, I find this statement racist itself, because lots of people of different religion and race come to Russia and leave Russia without a trouble. You blame the whole nation for some 100 murders a year on racist base.
Are you propagandist?
For your knowledge - Russia is a country second to the USA in number of illegal immigrants. Russians living on their own territory face harsh criminal pressure from newcoming ethnic mobs. So the reaction is opposite to the action. Statistic shows that number of crimes commited by foreigners against Russians is higher then race crimes commited by Russians. Definately recent economic crisis has added to this much and altered usual Russian internationalism to the opposite.
>>I, however don't blame the Russian people because they are "relatively" poor and culturally backward - they are afraid of foreigners and are constantly inveighing against the foreign immigration because of the monumental problem of white-Russian demographic decline.
Funny indeed. Did anybody ever ask oneself why newcomers move (or, maybe, escape) to Russia? Lots of Ukranians, Moldovans, Tajiks Georgians (the average monthly wages in Georgia is about $80) have so degrading and poor life in their countries that they run to Russian big cities to scrape up for living of their families stayed "at home".
And illegal immigration has nothing in common with demographic crisis, I can assure you. If Russia had real need in immigrants we would INVITE them.
>>In 5-10 years, I hope, Russians will be more accepting of foreigners into their country because of globalization, but I wouldn't bet my house on it.
If you guys stop bashing us for your own stupid conclusions, we will.
>>Even if you look white, you aren't safe - Russians dislike Poles, Chechens, and Georgians; if you are Muslim, you too WILL be discriminated against during your stay in Russia.
Give me a break. Open any Polish newspaper and read what they write about Russia. However no Pole has been discriminated in here. If you think the opposite, I am waiting for a link...
As for Chechens there is some tensions on the both sides.
Talking about Georgians, try to google who is Boris Akunin (a pen-name for Grigory Chkhartishvili), Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Zurab Tsereteli, Valeri Meladze, Zurab Sotkilava etc. These are Georgians. They live in Moscow.
>>The police WILL NOT protect you and sometimes they encourage the attacks against minorities.
Where did you get this crap?
>>For the most part, Russians are either oblivious to the racism or they are unwilling and scared to take a stand. Slowly, but surely, liberal, pro-democracy groups are protesting against discrimination and racism against foreigners in Russia, but they are the minority (no pun intended - not that this is funny by the way).
OMG. No comment. Wanna talk more politics or we stop now?
Mishuk chill out the guy doesn't know life that's about it. Don't bother yourself to replying this doorknob.
Russia has the brightest future of them all, if counts Vanga has said so....))))) who was not from Russia
Russia has the brightest future of them all, if counts Vanga has said so....))))) who was not from Russia
Oh, I didn't think Russians were that racist, I stil hope they are not that much...Otherwise I'll be very sorry...By the way, Hey Russians, is the education in Belgorod State University good for foreigners?Would you recommend me to go there?
It's difficult to recommend anything. I live 10 000 km from Belgorod.
I just found out that in the rating of Russian Institutes of higher education BelGU occupies 269 place among 1780 Institutes.
If you are afraid of possible racism (which is doubtful, IMHO, because Russia gives education to some 100 000 of foreign students yearly), you may find some more "Islamic" place like Kazan or Ufa.
I just found out that in the rating of Russian Institutes of higher education BelGU occupies 269 place among 1780 Institutes.
If you are afraid of possible racism (which is doubtful, IMHO, because Russia gives education to some 100 000 of foreign students yearly), you may find some more "Islamic" place like Kazan or Ufa.
>>Russia has the brightest future of them all, if counts Vanga has said so....))))) who was not from Russia
As far as I know, Vanga predicted that Soveit Union will be restored and Bulgaria will be a part of it...
Hm. Looks like our future is free from prophecies and fully depend on ourselves.
As far as I know, Vanga predicted that Soveit Union will be restored and Bulgaria will be a part of it...
Hm. Looks like our future is free from prophecies and fully depend on ourselves.
Я не вчера родился, у меня уже есть опыт. пресекать вздор. ,,. I think there are not to many people here that know much about what they are saying. i seriously doubt many of you have gone to far out of your own countries to figure out what the truth is. why is there not a russian speaking forum on this site?
sorry my english,but i want to say all things which was saying about racism in Russia are so stupid. racism exist in all Russia no more and no less then in others country.about economica: russian economy's level increase.russian people really live better then others post soviet country.i know this coz i live in Ukraine my granny and auntie live in Russia. and i say we- respect another nations and religins.
Well, Russian is an important language. It is an official language of the United Nations, and spoken by 170 million people as mother tongue. It is in the top ten languages.
The top ten languages:
1. Chinese
2. Spanish
3. Hindi
4. English
5. Arabic
6. Bengali
7. Portuguese
8. Russian
9. Japanese
10. Penjabi
(Britannica Enc.)
But there are other languages that are very important
The top ten languages:
1. Chinese
2. Spanish
3. Hindi
4. English
5. Arabic
6. Bengali
7. Portuguese
8. Russian
9. Japanese
10. Penjabi
(Britannica Enc.)
But there are other languages that are very important
There are slightly more Native Hindi Speakers(more or less 400 million) than Spanish.
What do you mean that there are other very important languages? Spanish is more important? How can that be when it is virtually unknown in Russian speaking zone?
French, German, and Italian as well as English are the most popular Western European languages here.
There are slightly more Native Hindi Speakers(more or less 400 million) than Spanish.
What do you mean that there are other very important languages? Spanish is more important? How can that be when it is virtually unknown in Russian speaking zone?
French, German, and Italian as well as English are the most popular Western European languages here.