Should I learn Russian?
You said: "Russians visit Istanbul in order to plan their next invasion of Turkey. " You should prove that, otherwise you are loser.
Have you ever heard of a joke? It's called your country!!!!
Russia doesn't care for individuals but for National Power.
I fear Russia.
"""Russia doesn't care for individuals but for National Power.
I fear Russia."""
It was about time your true colors surfaced. Just face it: Russia will never become a superpower unless it annexes a few more countries - Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhastan come to mind. Unlike Germany, Russia hadn't been utterly defeated, humiliated and occupied in the 20th century. Resultantly, Russians still think they can wield a big stick on the international stage and restore their former glory. Go ahead and try, but you will be summarily defeated by the West plus China.
Regardless, as soon as the West develops alternative fuels, Russia will collapse.
Why do Russians feel nuclear weapons enhance their prestige?
-Why do you mix prestige with nuclear power measured in kilo-tonnes?
The fact that Russia has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world is an embarrassment, and a relic of the Cold War.
-The largest arsenal is American, not Russian. You should learn facts. US have 50% of the world military expenditures, so who is caring about prestige?
"Russia doesn't care for individuals but for National Power.
I fear Russia. "
"Have you ever heard of a joke? It's called your country!!!!"
If you fear jokes are you mental?
"It is utterly pathetic that Spain, a nation of 44 million people, has a larger economy than Russia. What is even more laughable is that my home state of Texas, 22 million people strong, has a larger economy than Russia (our GSP is 970 billion). "
It's not too funny, if we remember how much money the West pumped into Cold War Victory. Take into account $300 000 000 000 the West acquired for capital flight during the USSR collapse.
Today in terms of PPP per capita Russia is a leader in the CIS. In other former Soviet republics life is worse. So who has lost more? Definately not Russia.
Just face it: Russia will never become a superpower unless it annexes a few more countries - Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhastan come to mind.
The superpower membership is not on the agenda by now. However , if we'd invite more immigrants into Russia, we'd chance it.
Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhastan need energy
and cooperate with Russia.
Even USA does it.
USA-Russia Allies on terror war :-)
Regardless, as soon as the West develops alternative fuels, Russia will collapse.
1) Russians bought American company who carries out R&D for hydrogen fuel.
2) Russia plans to mine helium on the Moon and transport it on Earth for fuel processing.
3) Russia is taking part in the thermonuclear plant construction together with Euros and Yanks.
I am not over.
"Go ahead and try, but you will be summarily defeated by the West plus China. "
USA will collapse. You are facing serious problems in Iraq. You are stuck there. Your Southern states are overflown with Mexicans. They want Spanish as official language. Blacks don't like what they've been endured in Katrina thing. You have lowest birthrate among Whites. America will have 60% of Whites in the recent future. You have the highest level of prisoners, mostly Mexicans.. Lesseee.
Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhastan need energy
and cooperate with Russia.
Even USA does it.
USA-Russia Allies on terror war :-)
Good. Learn Russian ;-)
Russians Don't forget Anna Politkovskaya.You earn money but freedom?
Hi, Thank you all but I was just wondering whether I should learn Russian or not ;-) But nonetheless, thanks for everything.You've made me learn about the facts about Russia.I'll take them into account.I think I've decided to go to
Russia and learn Russian in its territory.Good decision?
yes, Seljuk, welcome to Russia!
I hope you'll like it :)
Good luck
Mishuk are u russian?
1st What has always wondered me is that foreigners beleive what their media tells them and movies show off
2nd I love Russia and the russian people.