Thoughts for serious language learners
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Another learner report

Kamil Oleksiak, a second-year student of English, is using the Antimoon Method to learn English. He was nice enough to share his experiences with Antimoon readers.

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The Year of English

Aaron Knight (the author of PhraseMix) has launched a new initiative called “Year of English”. You enter your e-mail address to commit yourself to becoming fluent in English in 2013. Every day in 2013, you will receive a newsletter with lessons, advice and assignments.

Of course, I know that it’s hard to start learning English every day. To pull it off, you have to get pretty excited about English – more excited than you are about other things you do, like checking Facebook 50 times a day. Still, sometimes we need a nudge in the right direction; a daily reminder can also help you stay on track.

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How well do Antimoon visitors know the pronunciation of basic English words?

In September 2010, I published Test your English pronunciation, a 10-question quiz which tests your knowledge of the basics of English pronunciation. Today, we’re going to look at the results. How well do Antimoon visitors know basic pronunciation?


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What to read when you’re a beginner?

I’ve updated my reading recommendations for beginners with links to some great detective stories and my experiences learning German with simplified books (also known as “learner literature” or “graded readers”).

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Report from a beginner learner

Arkadiusz, who recently asked me a question about listening to two different dialects of English at the same time, has sent me a brief report on his experiences with the Antimoon Method. For a long time, I’ve been thinking about publishing more learner reports on Antimoon – not just reports from successful learners, but also people who are just starting to learn English seriously. It can be quite motivating to read about other people’s progress – perhaps more motivating than reading “you should do this” and “you should do that”…

So, I’ve decided to publish his short report. Hopefully, I’ll be able to publish some other learner feedback that has been lying around in my e-mail archive. Anyway, here’s the report:

Learner reports: Arkadiusz K.


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