
Guest   Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:11 pm GMT
* This whole "whites in the US will be in the minority very soon" idea that's been propogated is very misleading as this article points out.

That's how the sentence should read.
Guest   Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:03 pm GMT
<<that by 2042 the racial makeup of the overall population of the USA will have changed so much that the WASPS, so called (White Anglo Saxon Protestants) will be in the minority over there (c. 45%) and that by 2050 non-whites will form the majority of the population of the USA. Whether they will all be concentrated in certain States rather than across the boars remains to be seen, but nevertheless they are bound to have a huge influence on the running of the country. >>

I don't agree that WASPs with a 45% share of the American Pie will be the minority, as Non-Whites are not a single unified group themselves. Non-Whites are made up of MANY splintergroups, so a 45% share would still be the largest of any One group.

If they have an affect on running the country, they will most likely run it more like the WASPs than like their brothers back home in their native lands. Non-Whites in the US are quickly assimilated into American society in at least 1-2 generations, and American society is WASP-centric it seems (yeah, I know :\ sounds bad, but it's true). The Non-Whites are and are becoming so WASPified that no one will notice a change.