Do Irish people like to be called Paddies???

guest..   Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:41 pm GMT
"United kingdom" means arrogance and greed....

"United Ireland" means happy days...cut the shit lose from the top end...
English Bunny   Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:58 pm GMT
Government means arrogance and greed....

United people means happy days

guest means racist

Jerry   Sat Jun 23, 2007 9:11 pm GMT
I only recently discovered that Americans are called septic tanks, by way of rhyming slang, in the UK and Australia. How did they keep that secret for so long? I've read British literature and watched British and Australian television programs most of my life, but I never heard this (literally) shitty insult before. It points out to me how accustomed we are in the US to being direct and plain in our dealings, and how, on the other hand, indirect people in other nations can be. As an American I don't relate much to hiding contempt under courtesty, but apparently elsewhere in the world it's considered fine to be contemptuous as long as you don't let the person (or nation) know that you consider them to be a piece of crap. It stinks, and I don't mean the septic tank.
JAG   Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:08 am GMT
I was searching for a definition of the term "A Paddy" and found this forum.
Very educational. I see nothing wrong with nicknames. Most of my British friends call me a "Yank."
And just from a Yank's (actually a Southern Redneck) perspective; I've only been observing for 56 years or so, but here in the US it has been my experience that we call folks from the UK "British" or "Brits", folks from Ireland "Irish" or "ancestors" in my case, folks from Scotland "Scottish" or "Scots", folks from France "French", etc.
Obviously there are those among us who never grew out of the ignorant, moronic tendency to call those of other nationalities derogatory and demeaning names, but for the most part we're beyond that now.
Most of us grew up. We still call ourselves "Americans."
K. T.   Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:37 am GMT
Do you mind being called a "Southern Redneck"? Jeff Foxworthy seems okay with that label. Do you differentiate between rednecks, hillbillies and good ol' boys? Just wonderin' I live in the South too.
K. T.   Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:52 am GMT
This is an interesting, if outrageous, thread. I can't believe it's still here.
Adam   Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:46 pm GMT
"I only recently discovered that Americans are called septic tanks, by way of rhyming slang, in the UK and Australia. How did they keep that secret for so long? I've read British literature and watched British and Australian television programs most of my life, but I never heard this (literally) shitty insult before. It points out to me how accustomed we are in the US to being direct and plain in our dealings, and how, on the other hand, indirect people in other nations can be. As an American I don't relate much to hiding contempt under courtesty, but apparently elsewhere in the world it's considered fine to be contemptuous as long as you don't let the person (or nation) know that you consider them to be a piece of crap. It stinks, and I don't mean the septic tank."

What rubbish you talk. You Septics call the British "limies", Arabs "sand jockeys" and the French "cheese-eating surrender monkeys."
K. T.   Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:21 pm GMT
I don't understand "septic tanks" for Americans even with the explanation unless it simply shows how frank we are.

Limeys/Limies doesn't seem very offensive to me. Even sand jockeys doesn't sound very offensive. The French insult (this really seems like an insult) comes from a movie or maybe the Simpsons, I think. I usually don't think first of the French when it comes to surrendering, though.

The cheese-eating part isn't so bad; it's what the other part says about French character and physical appearance, I guess. Limey or Sand Jockey lack that kind of sting, I think.

I'll probably be accused of being a Francophile. That's okay. I was called part of a hispanic dung beetle group once as well.
Guest   Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:36 am GMT
<<I don't understand "septic tanks" for Americans even with the explanation unless it simply shows how frank we are. <<