Italian & Portugese Lexical Similarities

zatsu   Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:57 pm GMT
"Portugal and Venezuela go home"?? How childish and pathetic is that?

And you clearly never been to Europe, there are no "bucks" there. Are you implying European Union didn't help Slovenia as well??
Next what, will you be talking about Luxembourg?

Spending "all gold and diamonds from its colony" is also interesting, like Brazil was Portugal's only colony or the only one with richness. You must feel really explored.
But start counting, among the colonizers, who actually built and left entire cities behind and many other cultural things. You may not appreciate it (I'm sure you don't), but they're still there.
zatsu   Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:07 am GMT
<<I think he was talking about Língua Geral, which was in fact forbidden by portuguese authorities. But that was a pidgin, not a native language.>>

<<Tal situação levou a Coroa portuguesa, através de seu ministro, Marquês de Pombal a tomar uma atitude vigorosa no sentido de implantar a língua portuguesa definitivamente em terras brasileiras.>>

Ah, yes, you're right. I was thinking much earlier than that.
Marques de Pombal made a lot of bad decisions, but that's actually one that I agree with (in a governor's or ruler's perspective, of course).

<<Marquise de Pombal forbid our Brazilian language, so we never liked Portuguese and it's just the most hated subject in our schools. Mathematics is adored (unlike in other countries)>>

You're aware that there wouldn't be a Brazil if it wasn't for Portugal, right? It's nice to know you're so fond of a dialect you probably never heard in your life though.
As you probably don't know, I lived in Brazil for many years and got to watch very closely how much more than everybody else you guys like Maths. Who are you trying to kid here?
gil vicente faria   Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:18 pm GMT
What about the Spaniards who lustfully looted all the gold and riches from its former colonies? Slovenia, will never, ever, hold a candle to beautiful, little Portugal, a country adored and revered the world over by those who have actually been there to see with their own eyes. In any travel guide you will read nothing but glowing reviews about Portugal. Often the reviews are partial to the mild manners of the Portuguese, versus the abrasiveness of the Spaniards - this, Mr. Incognito (guest), is the pure, unadulterated truth. Hurts to know this, doesn't it?

Viva Lusofonia!!
Guest   Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:24 pm GMT
What about the Spaniards who lustfully looted all the gold and riches from its former colonies?

Spain had the 4th biggest gold reserve until 1936. It was lost during the Civil War.
Guest   Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:26 pm GMT
Viva Loserfonia!
Latino   Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:37 pm GMT
Is their ancient Greek languages as we mean it to day? And if yes the ‘Hellenic” alphabet appears only on the 8th century. The provenance is Phoenician… so is the Latin .
Guest   Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:00 pm GMT
who gives a damn about 3rd world countries like portugal or brazil
zatsu   Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:50 pm GMT
Portugal has one of the richest cultures in the world and is one of the most peaceful countries to live/ be in. For sure that is peace of mind and life quality.

Haha, let it be a 3rd world country, as long as it keeps like this.