Italian & Portugese Lexical Similarities

Guest   Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:20 pm GMT
-Brasilians, you have your beautiful Portuguese language spoken with your own exotic flavor, so don't disrespect and dishonor it every chance you get.-

You go back to your communist country and shut up.
We won't obey either Venezuela or Portugal. Our language issues are up to us. SAKOW?
Guest   Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:23 pm GMT
<<the Spanish did the 'real' blood-shed in Spanish America. At least in Brasil that did no happen, or at least it was much, much, much, much less by comparison.>>

Portuguese people made an ethnocid in Brazil, forbidding the Tupy language. today's Spanish speaking countries protected their native languages, so in Ecuador and Bolivia they are coofficial with Spanish, and in Paraguay, Tupy's relative: Guarany is even more spoken than Spanish.

Thanks to Portuguese killers, our Brazilian language Guarany is now official outside of Brazil.
zatsu   Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:53 pm GMT
To Guest@12:24pm: You're talking about different things, but Jose Ochoa is right. Jose Ochoa is talking about what happened 500 years ago and how it relates to the Brazilian people (apparently) disliking Portuguese, and you of what's happening now.

Many Tupi words are used in Portuguese language today, guess what, thanks to the Portuguese people who adopt them. Portuguese never forbid any indigenous dialect of being spoken anywhere else, so why would Tupi be any special?
For yes, if there was a "Brazilian language", that would be Tupi and not Guarani.

And you see, those indigenous mentioned on the website are NOT being killed by Portuguese people now.
Talking about hypocrisy and ignorance.
Guest   Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:55 pm GMT
«Portuguese people made an ethnocid in Brazil, forbidding the Tupy language.»

Do you mean, forbidding the usage of a language is equivalent to an ethnocide? It seams your head is a bit messed up... (Blame it on the portuguese killers)
Guest   Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:00 pm GMT
To zatsu : «Portuguese never forbid any indigenous dialect of being spoken anywhere else, so why would Tupi be any special?»

I think he was talking about Língua Geral, which was in fact forbidden by portuguese authorities. But that was a pidgin, not a native language.
Guest   Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:52 pm GMT
-Portuguese never forbid any indigenous dialect of being spoken anywhere else, so why would Tupi be any special? -

This is a lie. Marquise de Pombal forbid our Brazilian language, so we never liked Portuguese and it's just the most hated subject in our schools. Mathematics is adored (unlike in other countries)
Guest   Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:55 pm GMT
A língua geral era hegemônica, sendo usada por todas as camadas sociais, passando do domínio privado para o público e, apenas aí, encontrando alguma resistência da língua portuguesa. No espaço doméstico, as índias, unindo-se a portugueses e mamelucos, transmitiam por sucessivas gerações não só a língua, mas os costumes, enfim, uma cultura. Como exemplos, relata-nos Sérgio Buarque de Holanda sobre alguns depoimentos da época:

Um deles é o inventário de Brás Esteves Leme, publicado pelo Arquivo do Estado de São Paulo. Ao fazer-se o referido inventário, o juiz de órfãos precisou dar juramento a Álvaro Neto, prático na língua da terra, a fim de poder compreender as declarações de Luzia Esteves, filha do defunto, ‘por não saber falar bem a língua portuguesa’.

Fator importante de reforço da língua geral no espaço doméstico era a escravidão indígena. O português estava restrito aos documentos oficiais que, contudo, deveriam ser comunicados à população em língua geral, para que pudessem ser entendidos. Não por outro motivo sabemos que foram freqüentes os pedidos das autoridades portuguesas para que se enviassem à capitania vigários versados na língua dos índios.

Tal situação levou a Coroa portuguesa, através de seu ministro, Marquês de Pombal a tomar uma atitude vigorosa no sentido de implantar a língua portuguesa definitivamente em terras brasileiras.
Jose Ochoa   Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:04 pm GMT
You not making sense amigo. The Portuguese are not the ones killing the Indios in Brasil, it is the Brasilians who are doing it themselves. Brasil has been independent since 1822...isn't about time Brasilians take responsibility for what they do and don't do? I think it is. And for all the bad things some Brasilians might say about the Portuguese, Portugal is doing very, very well for itself, and is a fraction of the size geographically and population of gigantic Brasil.
Guest   Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:17 pm GMT
Portugal is the only ex colonial ruler that lustfully spend all gold and diamonds from its colony and ended up a backward European country.
European Union spend big bucks to help Portugal, and yet again, little Slovenia is more developed than Portugal. Shame on Portugal and their greed.

Long live Brasil and Mercosul. Portugal and Venezuela go home!
Guest   Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:20 pm GMT
Portugal and Venezuela go home!

What's your problem with Venezuela? Do you find Chavez disgusting as well?
Guest   Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:25 pm GMT
No insulten a Chávez. Es mi padre y lo quiero mucho.
George W Bush   Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:28 pm GMT
Por qué no te callas !!!
Castro   Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:40 pm GMT
Si no fuera condenado al lecho de muerte te echaría a los tiburones, pinche pendejo imperialista de caca!
Guest   Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:49 pm GMT
Wow, Castro is writing from the Hell. Do you have Internet there?
Castro   Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:57 pm GMT
La gente vulgar, mis súbditos, no lo tiene pero yo soy el presidente. Claro que yo puedo acceder al internet. La put.. buena mujer que te parió! Estoy a punto de morir, es verdad, pero me voy de aquí sin remordimiento alguno, he servido a la humanidad durante toda la vida! Soy un héroe del comunismo y del orden social.