What is your favourite Romance language?

Edgar   Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:03 am GMT
My favorite Romance language is Spanish. My favorite accents are Colombian, Mexican, and, to a lesser degree, Argentine. Colombian and Mexican Spanish are the most "pure" in that they're the most easy to understand. In fact, Univision (the top US Spanish language network) is requiring all its employees to adopt the Mexican accent since it's the easiest to comprehend. Spanish in most other Hispanic countries (especially Spain) is difficult to understand, **especially** if you don't speak the language. I remember being in a conversation with a Spaniard once... my gawd, I just acted like I knew what he was saying... they speak at astronomical speeds.

My second favorite is French. Then Italian, Portuguese (sp?), and Latin.
Edgar   Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:12 am GMT
Querido amor, e vuelto a enamorarme. Y el amor que te daba, y que solo era tuyo lo comparto con alguien.

Soy tan feliz que no puedo callar! Soy tan feliz que hasta voy a llorar! Estoy amando con tu amor, y su amor me da valor para confessar!

Soy tan feliz que te quisiera dar a mi manera felizidad. Estoy amando con tu amor, y su amor me da valor para continuar!

Algun fan del cantante Espanol Camilo Sesto en estas paginas?
Edgar   Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:19 am GMT
Hey, anyone hear have songs in French, Portuguese, Italian, or Romanian? I can send people songs in Spanish by romantic singers Camilo Sesto (Spaniard), Beatriz Adriana (Mexican), Marisela (Mexican-American), and Amanda Miguel (Argentine). This way we can all listen to the languages in music, and really decide which ones we like best.. the romance languages never sound more beautiful than when they're sung, IMHO.
latino   Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:03 pm GMT
Espanol, definitivamente. Especialmente el espanol castellano.
Tambien el espanol mexicano, porque posee palabras antiguas
de espanol arcaico....como

modismos? pero sois verbos viejos.....
Pues-pos *espanol-mexicano
mismo-mesmo(esta palabra casi, se usan en lugares granjeros)
asi-ansina(esta palabra, casi se usan en lugares granjeros..)
hacer-facer (no he eschucado en partes de jalisco)

El espanol de argentina tambien se escucha mariviollosamente.

"Quid vis?"
Latino   Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:07 pm GMT
Yo he escuchado aquella palabra en JALISCO, mexico.
hacer-(espanol normal) facer (usado en jalisco y en partes de espana.)
Travis   Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:03 pm GMT
>>It is amazing that languages developing thousands of kilometres away from each other have the same word to express the same meaning, when its parent had a different meaning ("enecare" = simply, "to kill").<<

This is because the most recent common parent language of the Romance languages is *not* classical Latin, but rather later Low Latin, and many changes in word meaning and word choice from that in classical Latin had occurred in Low Latin, which are commonly reflected by the Romance languages today. However, as little written Low Latin is actually attested, unlike with classical Latin where much of it can be found in writing, most people still think as if classical Latin were the direct parent of the Romance languages.
Sarah   Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:28 pm GMT
I would say English
alexandru   Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:41 pm GMT
Tiffany you don't know what say
If you are agree or not ROMANIAN LANUAGE IS LATIN,but you speak and you don't know what is romanian language

Sander   Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:50 pm GMT

Who are you to tell people what they do and don't know? On what do you base your insults?
Tiffany   Thu Dec 15, 2005 6:34 pm GMT
I'm as perplexed as you are Sander.

Alexandru, what are you on about? Of course Romanian is a Latin language. Have you bothered to read my other posts? I find Romanian very close to Italian, another Latin language. I speak Italian, but not Romanian.

Alexandru, che c'è? Certo romeno è un lingua latino. Davvero, leggi affatto i miei messagi? Penso che romeno è molto simile ad italiano, un'altra lingua latino. Parlo italiano, ma non romeno.
alexandru the TROLL   Thu Dec 15, 2005 6:55 pm GMT
he he he !

Tiago   Sun Jan 01, 2006 12:18 am GMT
Paraguayan spanish (mixed spanish and guarani, native language of indigenous paraguayans, also has tupi elements)
Brazilian Portuguese...mix of who knows what cuz it aint the same as iberian Portuguese

those are the only two i know, im learning Italian, but its kind of hard becuase the three are so close
cezar   Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:06 pm GMT
i think that spanish is an incitant and sexy language. italian is noisy and sweet so i think that they chase right when they claimed it as the language of music. there is not a better choice right :). french is more romantic and every word must be pronounced slowly to produce a beautiful melody in each word. portugues is soft as a slavonic language but closest to french than other latin languages. romanian is sad sometimes as the life of a gladiator it is. i agree that is more close to the old latin than italian itself because of its geographical isolation and in time developed an enclitical article, in the back of the word not in front like other romance languages. the music of the romanian language is unic and wonderful. it is more mystical and closest to history. :)
greg   Mon Jan 02, 2006 6:29 pm GMT
Travis : le latin classique est essentiellement une scripta liée à une période très courte (entre -100 & -14) au sens strict, ou à une période plus étendue (entre -100 & 400) au sens large. Le latin classique est donc essentiellement le scriptolatin entre le Ier siècle av JC et le Ier/Ve siècle ap JC. L'orolatin correspondant au scriptolatin appelé « latin classique » était sans doute soumis aux variations habituelles : dialectales, sociolectales, géographiques etc et bien sûr diachroniques.

Comme tu le disais, l'orolatin et le scriptolatin tardifs (entre 400 & 700-800-900) sont bien les plus proches parents des langues romanes actuelles. D'ailleurs ce qu'on appelle le protoroman c'est de l'orolatin tardif. Et le protoroman s'écrivait essentiellement avec le scriptolatin malgré la divergence entre graphie et prononciation (prononciation logographique).
Mais il faut bien garder à l'esprit le continuum orolatin/scriptolatin (pour les latinophones maternels d'Ibérie, d'Italie, de Gaule etc, malgré la variation) depuis l'époque cicéronienne jusqu'à celle de Charlemagne.

C'est à partir du moment où le scriptolatin tardif (prononciation logographique) a été abandonné au profit du scriptoroman (prononciation phonographique + écriture quasi-phonétique + changement du nom de la langue maternelle des latinophones : latin --> roman) qu'on peut 'dater' la 'naissance' des langues 'romanes'.
Simultanément, la réécriture du scriptolatin tardif à la façon du scriptolatin classique (ou presque) et la définition artificielle de la phonologie de ce scriptolatin tardif (probablement incohérente avec celle de l'orolatin classique) signe la création du latin médiéval, lequel se caractérisait, à ses débuts, par une prononciation lettre par lettre de mots récupérés d'un passé révolu de plusieurs siècles.

Wenn ich mehr Zeit habe, werde ich alles auf Deutsch schreiben. À moins que quelqu'un veuille bien e traduire en anglais.
Travis   Mon Jan 02, 2006 8:27 pm GMT
Greg, why do you still choose to write in languages other than English per se? Chauvinism?