French vs Italian vs Spanish vs Portuguese vs Chinese

hispanoguest   Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:17 pm GMT
I'm a spanish native speaker and i think that all of your comments are really interesting I don't really think that one language is better or more beautiful then others ;i think that every language has it's own characteristics that make them unique and for me all languages are beautiful
2992   Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:57 am GMT
Aşa de şmecheri vă mai credeţi unii daca nu folosiţi engleza şi postaţi toate prostiile în limba voastră materna... Ia să vă vad dacă înţelegeţi ceva din limba în care scriu io acuma... Probabil nu aveţi nici cea mai mică idee cat de uşor e pentru un român să înveţe oricare din limbile astea: franceză, italiană, spaniolă si evident engleză, dar cît de greu e pentru ceilalţi sa inveţe româneşte... ;)
ZhongGuoRen   Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:32 am GMT
Excuse me. How to pronounce "não" of Portuguese? Thanks!
ZhongGuoRen   Sat Feb 17, 2007 8:18 am GMT
<não> pronounces [naŋ] and last letter <o> doesn't pronounce at all?
ZhongGuoRen   Sat Feb 17, 2007 8:23 am GMT
Sorry! Correction: <não> pronounces [naŋ-u] and last letter <o> doesn't pronounce strong? Ans it sounds like [naun] too? Thank you very much!
The Torn Killer   Sun Feb 18, 2007 4:32 am GMT
I need to take a language. Either French, Spanish, Japanese, or Italian.
I dont care how useful they are in different countries. All I care about is how difficult the language is. PLEASE HELP!!!!
ZhongGuoRen   Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:57 am GMT
1, Japanese is the most difficult one for the Western learners, though it's not difficult for me (Chinese).

2, French pronunciation is not easy for both Eastern and Western learners.

3, Spanish pronunciation is much easier than French, and a little more complicated than Italian, but Grammar is very similar to French and Italian.

4, Italian is perhaps the easiest one among these 4 languages, just in my opinion.
Franco   Sun Feb 18, 2007 7:19 am GMT
<<Japanese is the most difficult one for the Western learners,>>

Japanese is a synch to learn, just nobody can be bothered memorising a million characters.
ZhongGuoRen   Sun Feb 18, 2007 7:42 am GMT
Franco:<Japanese is a synch to learn, just nobody can be bothered memorising a million characters>.

Japanese pronunciation is admittedly very easy, but its grammar seems obviously very different from Western languages and even Chinese.

Apart from plenty of "Kanji" (Chinese Characters), there should be still much difficulties on its special grammar of the "Altaic language family".
Franco   Sun Feb 18, 2007 8:23 am GMT
I can't agree with you. Once you get used to the grammar it is very logical. I've studied many languages in my time and I caught on to Japanese quickly. Westerners are too fast to assume a language is hard just because it's different. Yes Japanese is "different", but "different and "hard" are completely not the same. Something can be "different" and "easy" too you know.

The main problem is just that it is a painfully boring to learn characters, unless you are some kind of artsy person, but for a practical person it is just a stick in the arse.
ZhongGuoRen   Sun Feb 18, 2007 8:49 am GMT

I know that some learners changed the Japanese into Latin letter when they study it, such as: "OGENKIDESUKA" replaced (お元気ですか)。

But if you still study origin Japanese characters, you have to use 3 kinds of characters, HIRAGANA, KATAKANA, and very necessary KANJI.

If you only used HIRAGANA and KATAKANA without those KANJI , there would be a lot of "homonyms" in the Japanese articles, such as below:


When Chinese people see the different KANJI, we all know the detailed meanings and never have any confusion between these "homonyms".
But for Westerners, you must remember 4 different meanings of the very same pronunciation in the articles, and you can only guess the right meaning according to the context. And there'are so many "homonyms" in Japanese. Maybe the difficulties to learn Japanese between us is not very similar. Finally thank you for your opinions.
ZhongGuoRen   Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:06 am GMT
By the way, long time ago, Japanese made the suggestion that they should try to abandon all the KANJI (Chinese Characters), but at last, this stupid suggestion ended up with nothing changed due mainly to the crucial necessity of KANJI, instead, more Japanese KANJI increased gradually, and now, almost nobody considers KANJI as inessential characters in Japan. Without KANJI, Japanese would be a deformed character.
Zekitcha   Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:35 pm GMT
Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian are all magnific languages. He who masters one of them can easily learn the others.

So different, but so close.

And Brazilian Portuguese, so slavonik.
Franco   Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:50 pm GMT
Zekitcha, stop being a nonsense spitter.
Zekitcha   Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:04 pm GMT
It is fantastic to notice the filigrans of each romance language. Especially the Spanish spoken in Argentina, which sounds weird but nice!

As to Franco, francamente! Respect other people's opinion and give yours, if you have enough gray stuff.

But returning to our point, it is lovely to notice how noisy Brazilians are, specially when meeting foreigners.