Italian & Portugese Lexical Similarities

Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:26 pm GMT
Portuguese is closer to Italian than to Spanish because the latter is closer to Arabic.
Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:27 pm GMT
I'm Portuguese and Hispanic means belonging to Hispania , which was the Iberian Peninsula at Roman times. Portugal is part of the Iberian peninsula,s o we Portuguese are Hispanic in that sense, or Iberian if you want. Lusitania on the other hand had it's capital in Emerita Augusta (nowadays Merida, Spain) hence some parts of Spain are Lusitanian and Portugal is Hispanic. It's all the same. Long life to the Spanish-Portuguese brotherhood.
Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:31 pm GMT
I'm Portuguese and I'm sick and tired of hearing that Portuguese belong to the Spanish. I admit that Portugal is part of Iberia but I cannot accept that Portuguese language and culture is basically Hispanic.

How I wish that these hispanic fantatics wake up from their deep soesta and wake up to reality.
Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:33 pm GMT
Long live to the French and Portuguese bonding. Portuguese borrowed lots of words from French while there's not a single word that it borrowed a word from Spanish.

Imagine the words chapeu and rua were French origin when they should have been sombrero and calle.
Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:34 pm GMT
90% of Portuguese people want to become Spanish to improve their income per capita.I think that it's inevitable that Portuguese joins Spain. Many Spanish companies are present in Portugal and vice-versa.
Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:35 pm GMT
More French and Italian companies invest in Portugal and Brazil like Renault and Fiat that help their economies and provide employment.
Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:37 pm GMT
90% of portuguese wanted to be part of EU not of Spain.
Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:37 pm GMT
Spain is the first investor in Brazil, or maybe second but only after USA. Not to mention Portugal which is literally a Spanish colony in the economic sense.
Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:38 pm GMT
The USA,Japan, Germany, France and Italy has larger investement in Portugal and Brazil than Spain.
Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:39 pm GMT
90% of portuguese wanted to be part of EU not of Spain.

It's the same. Europe is accelerating the process of Iberian convergence since there are no longer commercial barriers.
Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:39 pm GMT
Portugal is not a Spanish colony.
Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:40 pm GMT
Sorry but Portugal benfits more form other EU countries than with Spain. Wake up.
Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:40 pm GMT
<<The USA,Japan, Germany, France and Italy has larger investement in Portugal and Brazil than Spain. >>


A study by Sobeet institute showed that Spain has consolidated its position as the largest European investing country in Brazil. Total foreign investments in 1999 were US$11.93bil of which US$27.5bil direct investments. US lead as investing country with 30% or US$32.62bil, followed by Spain with US$9.26bil or 8,28%, followed by Germany with 9, 05% or US$9bil.
Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:42 pm GMT

Spanish and Italian are closer to each other in phonology than to Portuguese and Spanish and Portuguese are lexically closer to each other than to Italian but Italian and Portuguese are closer to each other than to Spanish in syntax or word order and the two agree with each other in word usage. Check the sample text below.

Tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi ed eguali in dignità e diritti. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono agire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza.

Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais em dignidade e em direitos. Dotados de razão e de consciência, devem agir uns para com os outros em espírito de fraternidade.

Brazilian Portuguese
Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais em dignidade e direitos. São dotados de razão e consciência e devem agir em relação uns aos outros com espírito de fraternidade.

Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y, dotados como están de razón y conciencia, deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Even Brazilian Portuguese which is said to be closer to Spanish than to Continental Portuguese shows that its syntax and word usage are closer to Italian than to Spanish.
Guest   Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:45 pm GMT
List of Portuguese words of Italian origin
* adágio (adagio)
* ágio (agio)
* alarme (all'arme) - en.: alarm
* alegre (allegro)
* alerta (all'erta) - en.: alert
* andante (andante)
* antepasto (antipasto)
* arcada (arcate) - en.: arcade
* ária (aria)
* aquarela (acquarella) - en.: watercolour
* arlequim (Arlecchino)
* arpejo (arpeggio)
* atacar (attaccare) - en.: attack
* bagatela (bagatella) - en.: bagatelle
* baldaquim (baldacchino)
* balé (balletto) - en.: ballet
* bancarrota (banca rotta) - en.: bankrupt
* bandido (bandito) - en.: bandit
* banquete (banchetta) - en.: banquet
* barista (barista)
* batalhão (battaglione) - en.: battalion
* batuta ([battuta)
* belvedere (belvedere)
* bisonho (bisogno)
* bizarro (bizzarro) - en.: bizarre
* boletim (bollettino) - en.: bulletin
* bravata (bravata)
* brócole (broccoli)
* bufão (buffone) - en.: buffoon
* camerlengo (camerlengo)
* camorra (camorra)
* cantata (cantata)
* cantina (cantina) - en.: canteen
* capricho (capriccio)
* capuchino (cappuccino)
* caricatura (caricatura)
* carnaval (carnevale) - en.: carnival
* carpete (carpita) - en.: carpet
* carroça (carrozza)
* carroceria (carrozzeria)
* cartucho (cartoccio) - en.: cartridge
* cascata (cascata) - en.: cascade
* cassino (casino)
* charlatão (ciarlatano)
* ciabata (ciabatta)
* cicerone (cicerone)
* comparsa (comparsa)
* concerto (concerto)
* contralto (contralto)
* coronel (colonnello) - en.: colonel
* cortejar (corteggiare) - en.: courting
* cortesã (cortigiana) - en.: courtesan
* desenho (disegno) - en.: design
* desfaçatez (sfacciatezza)
* diletante (dilettante)
* diva (diva)
* doge (doge)
* dona (donna)
* domo (duomo) - en.: dome
* dueto (duetto) - en.: duet
* embrulho (imbroglio)
* entalhe (intaglio)
* empresário (impresario)
* esbirro (sbirro)
* esboço (sbozzo)
* escaramuça (scaramuccia)
* escopeta (scopetta)
* escorchar (scorciare)
* esdrúxulo (sdrucciolo)
* esfumar (sfumare)
* espaguete (spaghetti)
* esquadra (squadra) - en.: squad
* esquadrão (squadrone) - en.: squadron
* esquete (schizzo) - en.: sketch
* esquife (schifo) - en.: skiff
* esquifoso (schifoso)
* estafar (staffare)
* estafermo (stafermo)
* estância (stanza)
* estileto (stiletto)
* estravagância (stravaganza)
* estropear (stroppiare)
* estudio (studio)
* estuque (stucco)
* expresso (espresso)
* fachada (facciata) - en.: facade
* faiança (Faenza)
* fanal (fanale)
* farsa (farce) - en.: farse
* fascismo (fascismo) - en.: fascism
* feltro (feltro) - en.: felt
* festa (festa) - en.: fest, party
* festejar (festeggiare)
* fiasco (fare fiasco) - en.: fiasco
* filigrana (filigrana)
* fólio (foglio)
* fosso (fosso)
* fragata (fregata) - en.: frigate
* fresco (fresco)
* fuga (fuga)
* galeria (galleria) - en.: gallery
* gazeta (gazzetta) - en.: gazette
* gesso (gesso)
* girafa (giraffa) - en.: giraffe
* gôndola (gondola)
* grafite (graffiti)
* granito (granito) - en.: granite
* grotesco (grottesco) - en.: grotesque
* grupo (gruppo) - en.: group
* gueto (ghetto)
* Índigo (indaco) - en.: indigo
* infantaria (infanteria) - en.: infantry
* inferno (inferno)
* informática (informatica) - informatics
* laguna (laguna)
* lasanha (lasagna)
* lava (lava)
* lazareto (lazaretto) - en.: lazaret
* libreto (libretto)
* loja (loggia)
* loteria (lotteria) - lottery
* macarrão (maccherone) - en.: macaroni
* madona (madonna)
* madrigal (madrigale) - en.: madrigal
* maestro (maestro)
* máfia (mafia)
* mafioso (mafioso)
* magazine (magazzino) - en.: magazine
* magenta (Magenta)
* magnífico (magnifico) - en.: magnificent
* malandro (malandrino)
* malária (malaria)
* maneirismo (manierismo) - en.: mannerism
* manejar (maneggiare) - en.: management
* manifesto (manifesto)
* maquiavélico (macchiavellico)
* marrasquino (maraschino)
* máscara (maschera) - en.: mask ([1])
* medalha (medaglia) - en.: medal
* médico (medico) - en.: physician, medic
* melodrama (melodramma) - en.: melodrama
* mercante (mercante) - en.: merchant
* merengue (Marengo)
* mezanino (mezzanino) - en.: mezzanine
* milanesa (milanese)
* miniatura (miniatura) - en.: miniature
* moçarela (mozzarella)
* modelo (modello) - en.: model
* monstro (mostro) - en.: monster
* mortadela (mortadella)
* mosquete (moschetto) - en.: musket
* mussolina (mussolina) - en.: muslin
* namorado (innamorato) - en.: enamored
* neutrino (neutrino)
* nhoque (gnocchi)
* novela (novella)
* ocarina (ocarina)
* ópera (opera)
* opereta (operetta)
* oratório (oratorio)
* orégano (oregano)
* orquestra (orchestra)
* palhaço (pagliaccio) - en.: clown
* pança (panza) - en.: belly
* panetone (panettone)
* papa (papa) - en.: Pope
* parapeito (parapetto) - en.: parapet
* parmesão (parmiggiano) - en.: parmesan
* partitura (partitura)
* pastiche (pasticcio)
* pérola (perla) - en.: pearl
* pedante (pedante) - en.: pedant
* pelagra (pellagra)
* peperone (peperoni)
* pergola (pergola)
* piano (piano)
* pícolo (piccolo)
* pilastra (pilastro) - en.: pilaster
* piloto (pilota) - pilot
* pistáquio (pistacchio)
* pistola (Pistoia)
* pizza (pizza)
* pizzaria (pizzeria)
* polenta (polenta)
* politico (politico)
* poltrão (poltrone) - en.: poltroon
* Porcelana (porcellana) - en.: porcelain
* pórtico (portico)
* portifólio (portafoglio) - en.: portifolio
* postilhão (postiglione) - en.: postillon
* previdência (previdenza) - en.: previdence
* propaganda (propaganda)
* provolone (provolone)
* raça (razza) - race
* ravióli (ravioli)
* regata (regata)
* réplica (replica)
* ricota (ricotta)
* risoto (risotto)
* rotunda (rotonda)
* rúcula (rugola, rughetta)
* rufião (ruffiano) - en.: ruffian
* salame (salame)
* salão (salone) - en.: saloon
* salsicha (salsicce)
* saltimbanco (saltimbanco)
* saquear (saccheggiare) - en.: sacking
* sedã (sede) - en.: sedan
* semolina (semolino) - en.: semoline
* sentinela (sentinella) - en.: sentinel
* sépia (seppia)
* serenata (serenata)
* simpático (simpatico)
* siena (Siena)
* sinfonia (sinfonia) - en.: simphony
* soda (soda)
* soldado (soldato) - en.: soldier
* solfejo (solfeggio)
* solo (solo)
* sonata (sonata)
* soneto (sonneto) = en.: sonnet
* soprano (soprano)
* taça (tazza)
* tafetá (taffettà)
* talharim (taglierini)
* tarô (tarocchi) - tarot
* tartaruga (tartaruga) - en.: turtle
* tchau (ciao)
* tenor (tenore) - en.: tenor
* têmpera (tempera)
* terraço (terrazzo)
* terracota (terracotta)
* tímpano (timpano)
* tômbola (tombola)
* torso (torso)
* trampolim (trampolino) - en.: trampoline
* travertino (travertino) - en.: travertine
* trombone (trombone)
* truco (trucco)
* tuba (tuba)
* tutifrúti (tutti-frutti)
* vila (villa)
* viola (viola)
* violino (violino)
* violoncelo (violoncello)
* virtuoso (virtuoso)
* zarpar (sarpare)
* zero (zero)